Vocabulary for Unit 9 Urban renewal – A construction program to replace or restore substandard buildings in urban areas. Zoning – Land use and zoning laws involve the regulation of the use and development of real estate. Eminent domain – The government’s power to take private land for public use. Environmental justice – Development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental policies and laws to ensure that no group or community is made to bear a disproportionate share of harmful effects of pollution or environmental hazards because it lacks economic or political clout.
Assessing two different people Robert Moses and Majora Carter saw their roles differently and responded to different stakeholders. Both have influenced the way that New York looks, how it works, and who benefits from its policies. Moses held positions of official authority; Carter did not. What was your initial perception of each individual after first reading about him or her?
Robert Moses Robert Moses was one of the most powerful men in New York from the late 1920s until the late 1960s, using multiple appointed positions in state and local government to make his vast dream of a modern New York comes to fruition. That dream included glorious parkways and gravity-defying bridges. It also included parking lots and the wholesale destruction of thousands of homes. World's fairs and innovative housing complexes. Elevated highways plowed through residential neighborhoods -- straight through Harlem, midtown Manhattan, and SoHo.
Majora Carter Majora Carter is a visionary voice in city planning who views urban renewal through an environmental lens. The South Bronx native draws a direct connection between ecological, economic and social degradation. Hence her motto: "Green the ghetto!" With her inspired ideas and fierce persistence, Carter managed to bring the South Bronx its first open- waterfront park in 60 years, Hunts Point Riverside Park. Then she scored $1.25 million in federal funds for a greenway along the South Bronx waterfront, bringing the neighborhood open space, pedestrian and bike paths, and space for mixed-use economic development.Hunts Point Riverside Park
Criticism of Moses and Carter Moses preferred autos to people He uprooted traditional neighborhoods He precipitated the decline of public transportation He caused the departure of the Dodgers and Giants Carter has taken sole credit for projects when others equally helped Job programs called “cash for caulkers” She used her position as an Olympic torch bearer for political activism after pledging not to do so
Seminar Questions Based on your readings on the actions of Robert Moses and Majora Carter: –What stakeholder interests was each leader most attentive to? –Did Moses or Carter ignore the interests of other stakeholder groups? –How did stakeholder groups influence public policy? –Were Carter and Moses socially responsible leaders? Why or why not?
Writing Assignment Unit 9 Identify two key issues that Robert Moses and Majora Carter tried to address in terms of how he or she perceived the policy problem. Assess the leadership style in addressing the problem Analyze the effects their leadership style had on the policy Consider the effects on the city and people of New York Make sure to review the grading rubric located in Doc Sharing for the assignment
Unit 10 Discussion board to be used to reflect on the course and what you have gained. Survey for your feedback on PP220.
Finish Strong As we come to the close of PP220, make sure you finish strong: –Finish the Discussion Board with maximum points –Review the grading rubric and complete the best writing assignment yet for Unit 9 –Review your assignments throughout the whole course to make sure you did not miss anything –Let me know if you have any questions