Summer 2010 Session #1
LEAD MENTOR / MENTOR WORK IS ALL ABOUT… TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT How are these similar to undergraduate work, student teaching, and then teaching?*
1:00 – 4:00 Take care of your needs Lead Mentor / Mentor Binder Build as we go… intentionally Today’s resources will go in Tab 1 Tab 1 = Processes/Strategies Tab 2 = Training/Development Session #1 Parking Lot* is always available
Anyone want/need to share?
High Quality Mentoring and Induction Practices Time, Content, Communication, and Mentor Selection Summer work would focus on the tightening of these structures… and then some
Group by shape* Introduce yourselves What needs to be present in order to create a safe environment where you can personally and professionally grow (establishing group norms)? Be ready to share 2-3 responses with the large group
Group by color (name)* Introduce yourselves to your group Talk about an example of mentoring you have witnessed this summer. Why do you consider this mentoring? Be ready to share 2-3 “reasons” with the large group.
Group by numbers* Introduce yourselves When considering yourself as an adult learner, how do you learn best? In other words, as adult learners, what do you feel should be honored? Be ready to share 2-3 responses with the large group
Is anything missing?
What is missing? Look at Lead Mentor Unit Plan – EU’s Building as we go… intentionally
The growth and development of children is vitally linked to the growth and development of adults in and beyond schools. A successful mentoring program can help teachers respond intentionally with effective strategies to the needs of a diverse population of learners. The early years of teaching are a critical part of a continuum of learning – a link between pre-service preparation and ongoing professional development. From: Mentoring New Teachers Through Collaborative Coaching, by Kathy Dunne and Susan Villani
Support for new teachers Reduce attrition More effective instructional strategies for new teachers More effective classroom management Increase in student achievement
Knowledge Lead Mentors/Mentors will know… Skills Lead Mentors/Mentors will be able to… How adults learn bestDevelop plans for summer Mentor development and building level NTO based on how adults learn and CBAM Stages of Concern Roles and responsibilities of Lead Mentors and Mentors Identify Phases of New Teachers Identify the components of a meeting design for Lead Mentor/Mentor Development
Knowing what you now know about Stage 1, what are your hopes and fears and your role as Lead Mentor and/or the Mentoring Program? Record 1 hope/post it and post Record 1 fear/post it and post
Characteristics of Adult Learners CBAM (Concerns Based Adoption Model) Stages of Concern
Note. From “The Stages of a Teacher’s First Year,” by Ellen Moir, in A Better Beginning: Supporting New Teachers, by Marge Scherer (Ed.), 1999, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Copyright 1999 by ASCD. Used with permission of the publisher.
Turn to your partner(s) for Delve and Dialogue*… What stands out? What does this mean for your work?
Roles and Responsibilities
Professional Mentoring Standards Meeting Design
Roles and Responsibilities of Mentors Tools for the Mentors: Confidentiality What counts for the 30 hours (15 for Year 2)? One-on-one time Regularly scheduled conversations Conversations where the Mentor/Mentee Colloboration Assessment Log is completed TOGETHER and reviewed
Needs survey (what will we talk about?) Mentor/Mentee Collaborative Assessment Log (relate back to Parkway Standards of Professional Practice) Mentor/Mentee Release Day Form Checklist – Prior to school through first 6 weeks (approx.)
STAGE 2 of Lead Mentor Unit Plan your summer development for your mentors What will you provide for them? Binder? With your administrator, plan your building level NTO