Victory at Yorktown While the British were still in the south… … July, 1780: French warships arrive in the Americas 1,000s of French soldiers Led by Comte de Rochambeau French joined forces with Washington Originally planned to attacked NYC, but another opportunity came along…
Washington Leaves for Virginia Earlier, Washington had sent troops south with Lafayette. British were pinned at a place called Yorktown, VA. Washington decided to secretly move his troops 200 miles (15 days) south. Most soldiers did not know where they were going. British expected attack on NY, but found out too late.
A Trap at Yorktown British expected to get picked up by Navy September 1781: 14,000 US and French troops arrived with only 8,000 British troops. But wait… a second French fleet showed up and blocked the harbor! British couldn’t escape from the sea! British supply and escape routes were totally cut off!
Victory over Cornwallis Americans and French attacked British British began to run low on supplies – many were wounded. October 14, Alexander Hamilton leads an attack and captures British defenses. October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrenders! Americans capture 8,000 British and Hessian troops and 200 cannons. During surrender ceremony, a French band played “Yankee Doodle” – a song the British made to make fun of Americans.
Independence Achieved The British still held NY, Savannah, and Charles Town. Other smaller battles occurred Because of Yorktown, the British realized that the war would not end soon and be too costly. American and British delegates met in Paris to talk about peace. On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed British officially recognized United States independence! British troops were removed from American soil
A Conspiracy Against Congress While the treaty was being signed, Washington camped his troops outside of Newburgh, NY. Many soldiers were owed money and many threatened to use force to get it. Washington stepped in: Convinced soldiers to be patient Convinced Congress to pay up Washington’s leadership saved country before it even got started! Washington leads troops into New York City
Washington Returns Home November, 1783, after all British troops had left: Washington disbanded the army. Said farewell to troops and all went home. Washington stood before Congress and said: Washington left for his home in Mount Vernon, VA to lead a quiet life… … until a few years later. "Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire... and take my leave of all the employments of public life."
Why the Americans Won How the heck did the Americans defeat the powerful British? Fought on their own land Experts at guerilla warfare Help from other nations THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! *Our revolution inspired others: French Revolution Slave Revolutions (Haiti) Ideas of freedom and equality spread throughout the world!