Formative Assessments and the Challenges of a Small District McKenzie School District Sally Storm Lane Tompkins Kevin Moore
McKenzie Excellence “ Inspiring students to achieve their academic and individual potential” Located 50 miles east of Eugene 65% free and reduced 230 students (Elementary, Middle, High)
First Step: Formed Data Team Had ESD and School Psychologist Train on Data-Based Decision Making and RTI Cognitive Model D’s and F’s Attendance Behavior Test Scores SES Honor Roll Homeless report
Formed CARE Team for Tier 2 and 3 Students Academics Behavior Attendance Home Context
Strategies Implemented Strategies Implemented Coaching on Effective Instructional Practices New Reading and Math Curriculum Professional Development (Literacy, Math, EasyCBM, Data-Based Decision Making, EBISS, Access Training, Reading Templates) 90 Minute Reading Periods minute Math Periods EBISS Grant Universal Screening Tool EasyCBM
Literacy Instruction Three Tiers Junior Eagle College Eagle College Literacy Classes Middle/High School
Board Involved and Provided Training Board Involved and Provided Training Classroom visitations by board members Presentations at board meeting Nine Characteristics RTI Curriculum Overviews Data presentations
A Teacher’s Perspective What is it like to start looking at data? Teachers’ reactions Challenges
Teacher Perspective Teacher Perspective Turning point Becomes part of the culture Still working on it
Teaming Frameworks Look at the teams already in your district, PBIS, RTI, EBISS, Site Councils, CIP planning teams, student support teams. Can they be combined? YES McKenzie Excellence Blend your initiatives into your overall goals District level support is key
Special Educator Role Identify current education model(s) being used. Assess efficacy of educational support model(s). Determine next steps based on student data. Oaks, Easy CBM, curriculum based tests, SWIS
Data Driven Support Year One Initially started at the elementary level via small group intensive intervention. Using leveled gen. ed. curriculum and Direct Instruction materials. Double and triple dose exposure to material. 3 week progress monitoring cycle along with built in curriculum progress checks.
Data Driven Support Year Two Continued with elementary support as developed. Started middle/high school support based on data. Bottom 20-30%. Corrective Reading and Rewards/ Rewards Plus 3 week progress monitoring cycle along with built in curriculum progress checks
When Problems Arise When Problems Arise Assume system problems first Be slow and very mindful if dealing with suspected person problem—be willing to look for system problem again— Example: Our original interest and analysis of special education students with D’s and F’s in the middle and high school—surface structure was person(s) problem—a more useful and functional analysis suggested system problem
Data Systems Important to find and develop low response cost data systems School Psychologist Very Helpful in the Identification of Data Monitoring Systems -kept focus on low response cost Our project was not logistically possible (to do well) until easy data monitoring systems were developed (e.g., SWIS, EasyCBM, and OAKS data online) School Psychologist initially helped staff understand and use data—with a very user friendly approach to data analysis EA’s often under utilized and can be backbone of Data Monitoring Systems
Backbone of Data Collection and Organization Data Input, Data Organizer, Data Output Trained on PBIS, SWIS, EBISS, TIPS SWIS and EasyCBM Coach, Implementer, and ongoing Fidelity Monitor
Tools McKenzie Excellence is Finding Helpful Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) format Google Calendars EasyCBM SWIS Fidelity Tools (e.g., SET, DSSP)
Guru’s in the Backyard ESD and the ESD’s Effective Schools Network has helped to: Provide larger (but refined) systemic focus, Provide exposure to expertise and specific resources, Provide professional training and coaching staff. For example, literacy experts, data monitoring tool demonstrations and training, curriculum experts and trainers, data analysis experts (school psychologists, literacy specialists) and so on. Provide multiple layer grant support. State EBISS Regional Coordinator
Next Phases for Us Next Phases for Us Development of data monitoring procedures including communication and decision rules More training on how to use EasyCBM data Continued refinement and development of evidence based intervention practices Transition Data Team to Leadership Team
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