inBalance Fitness Program The stretches and strengthening are only for general improvement. Determine your target weight. Consult your Doctor if you are: Over 35 and out of shape Heavy smoker Family history of heart disease Diabetic Pregnant If you experience any pain then stop.
inBalance Fitness Program FrequencyIntensityProgression 3 sessions per week reps Initially: Do as many as you can Slowly work up to reps. 3+ weeks: If you can do 20 reps then add weight, or do 2 sets.
Neck Stretch Take hold of your head with your hand from opposite side Gently pull head until stretch felt in neck Resist with neck Hold for seconds Do the other side Repeat for both sides Stretching Exercises
Lat Stretch Place both arms on a wall With soft knees bend from hip Feel pulling in outer back, shoulder and arm areas Hold for second Repeat as desired Stretching Exercises
Chest Stretch Place one arm flat against wall Slowly turn body away until stretch in chest Hold for seconds Do other arm Repeat for both arms. Stretching Exercises
Triceps Stretch Place one arm behind head With your other hand grab the elbow and push toward flor Resist Hold for seconds Do the other arm Repeat for both arms Stretching Exercises
Quadriceps Stretch Bring one leg up behind you Grab your ankle with the hand from the same side Keep knees together, pull ankle toward body Feel the stretch in the front thigh Hold for seconds Do the other leg Repeat for both legs. Stretching Exercises
Calf Stretch Push against wall on place one foot forward Straighten the other leg Lean into wall Feel stretch in lower back leg Hold for seconds Do the other leg Repeat for both legs Stretching Exercises
Hip Flexor Stretch One knee onto floor, foot of other leg out in front Hands on hips gently push forward Stretch felt at top of thigh near hip Hold for seconds Do the other leg Repeat for both legs Stretching Exercises
Hamstring Stretch Whilst seated, straighten one leg and fold the other so that the foot rests on inner thigh Have a slight bend in straightened leg Breathe out and slide hands down extended leg Stop when you feel a slight pull at the back of straightened leg Hold for seconds. Do the othetr leg Repeat for both legs. Stretching Exercises
Gluteal Stretch Lie on you back Bring one knee toward you head Place other leg across the thigh Place both hands around the knee and pull in to head Hold for seconds Do the other leg Repeat for both legs. Stretching Exercises
Advanced Push Up Hands at chest level, slightly wider than shoulders Keep back straight Breathe in and lower until arms reach 90o Breathe out and push to starting position Repeat until fatigued Strengthening Exercises
Beginner Push Up Place hands and knees on ground Hands at chest level and slightly wider than shoulders Breathe in and lower until arms reach 90o Breathe out and push to starting position Repeat until fatigued Once you can do 25, move to advanced Strengthening Exercises
Close Grip Chin Up Find a bar taller than you Grab the bar with your hands palm facing you and shoulder width apart Breathe out and pull up until chin is over the bar Breathe in and lower Repeat. Do 10 and then do sets of 3 Strengthening Exercises
Wide Grip Chin Up Find a bar taller than you Grab the bar with your hands palm facing away from and shoulder width apart Breathe out and pull up until chin is over the bar Breathe in and lower Repeat. Do 10 and then do sets of 3 Strengthening Exercises
Advanced Hover Start with elbows directly beneath sholders Kep back straight and head in line with spine Bring kneess from floor Feet should be shoulder width apart Breathe in and hold position for as long as possible When you can do 3 minutes, do 3 sets Strengthening Exercises
Exercise Bike Do 30 minutes per day Strengthening Exercises
Elliptical Cross Trainer Do 30 minutes per day Strengthening Exercises