Clarify (verb) - Latin (def) To make clear or understandable (sent.) The teacher clarified the directions for me. (derivatives) Clarification; clarity
Confide (verb) - Latin To trust someone with private or secret information I usually confide in my best friend because I know she will not tell anyone.
Disclose (verb) - Latin To reveal or open to view It is the job of a lawyer to disclose information that might be important to a case. Disclosure
Enlighten (verb) To inform or give insight to It is my hope to enlighten students while at the same time giving them knowledge and skills.
Exhibit (verb, noun) To show or arrange for public display A display We enjoyed going to the art exhibit at the museum. You must exhibit good manners at the dinner table.
Expound (verb) Latin To explain in detail or talk at length about a topic. The president expounded on his health care plan.
Ingrained (adjective) Old French Deep seated; firmly imprinted or fixed Years of practice had ingrained a love of music into the children.
Misconception (noun) Latin A mistaken idea The belief that elephants are afraid of mice is a misconception.
Sage (Adjective; noun) Latin (adj) Wise, showing great wisdom (noun) A person respected for experience and wisdom The sage appeared in the form of an owl. The prince appreciated the wizard’s sage advice.
Seminar (noun) A class or a conference held to discuss ideas on a topic The speaker at the parenting seminar conducted a lively and informative discussion on teenage dating.