Written by: Angelia Greiner Additional Material by: Kelley McConathy
What Is a Short Story? Possible Definitions: A form of short fictional prose A form of short fictional prose Brings a singular illumination to the reader, sudden and golden like sunlight cracking through heavy cloud. I went on to say that in my opinion a “real" short- story was closer to poetry than to the novel. —Alex Keegan Must be able to be read in one sitting
Short Story Versus the Novel Read in one sittingNot able to read in one sitting One single impressionDiverse ideas Few characters, one plot, and one theme Many characters, plots and subplots, and usually more than one theme
Quality 1: Short Story Most can read story in one sitting
Quality 2: Short Story Story meant to create one single impression
Quality 3: Short Story Few characters, one plot, and one theme
Elements of the Short Story Character Setting Plot Theme
Character Person in a literary work Protagonist Antagonist Deuteragonist
Batman The Riddler Mr. Freeze (any arch villain) Protagonist deuteragonist or “sidekick” Antagonist and Robin
Type of Characters Flat or Round? Static or Dynamic?
Setting Location and time period in which a story takes place
Plot Sequence of events in story Exposition Climax Resolution
Plot The plot is what happens in the story expositiondénouement climax
Conflict Person versus society Person versus self Person versus person Person versus nature
Person versus Society Person conflicts with society Laws or rules Customs or ways Place in society
Person versus Self Person’s own values or beliefs conflict Feels alienated or unsatisfied Must make crucial decision in life Realizes something about self
Person versus Person Pits the protagonist against someone else Struggles physically or emotionally against another person
Person versus Nature Protagonist threatened by element of nature Connection to the land Physical forces of nature
In Conclusion: The Short Story’s Importance Relevant to our own lives Understanding of our own humanity Entertaining Universal connections