John W. Ingram Strategies for the Practice of Institutional Research NEAIR Annual Conference December 5, 2011
Instructional video online, learn at your own pace No need to reinterpret your notes from today’s presentation Sign up for free: IR Shop Talk blog
Introduction Action plan Standard production reporting (SPR) IPEDS Fall Enrollment Data challenges Data solutions Q&A
How many completed the Fall IPEDS report? What data sources do you use? How many reports, spreadsheets, documents are needed? Compliance reporting frustration?
Goal: Spend more time on priority projects (less time on routine data requests) Solution: Develop a library of standard production reports (SPRs) Challenge: Difference between data format and report format is vast
Develop a plan for a long term reporting solution Keep it simple and build upon your successes Build the report to match the format of the data request
Production or Warehouse Data Banner, Datatel, Homegrown, Other Excel, PeopleSoft, Cognos, Other
Report matching the format of the report (Fall IPEDS) Efficient/automated Build report using data from any source
Header categories based on enrollment Column Categories based on Race/Ethnicity Challenges with the data?
Case Statements Crosswalk files
Its purpose is to allow the value of a variable or expression to control the flow of program execution via a mulitway branch. Basically an “if, then” statement. “Switch” statement is easiest to use
Field 4: “Apple Pie and Ice Cream” *Only of Field 1 is equal to Apple Pie
Field 4: If [Field 1] is equal to “Apple Pie” then “Apple Pie and Ice Cream” if not, then “nothing”
Field 4: Switch ([Field1] = “Apple Pie”, “Apple Pie and Ice Cream”, Null)
Use system data to create your own user defined fields Key to building the IPEDS report in MS Access
Build switch statements our sample database Build crosswalk tables Learn in MS Access
Sign up: Access to IR Shop Talk Blog Discussion and video of how to build the standard production report for IPEDS Q&A