Do Now for 10/30/12 HW: Review Procedures Extra credit: Extension on page B-13 due Monday
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Today’s Target: I will be able to list the names and definition several properties of of materials Complete B13 Key Points Vocabulary Check B13 report Introduce B14 Properties of Materials Read and write up. Draw data table
B13 Product Life Cycle Key Points A material has characteristic properties. Technological solutions have intended benefits and unintended consequences. Some consequences can be predicted, and others cannot. Diagrams and models can demonstrate scientific concepts.
B13 Product Life Cycle Vocabulary life cycle - The progression through a number of steps or different stages in the manufacture, use, and disposal of a product. For example, obtaining and refining a copper ore, making a penny, using a penny, and the eventual corroding of the penny. In animals and plants, life cycle refers to the developmental stages they pass through from birth to death. Raw materials - The first stage of four stages in a product’s life cycle. Raw materials need to be extracted from the earth in order to manufacture a product.
Manufacturing - The second stage of four stages in a product’s life cycle. It is when the product is created from raw materials. Useful life - The third stage of four stages in a product’s life cycle. This is the time that a manufactured product may be used productively. End of life - The fourth and final stage in a product’s life cycle, when a product is no longer useful.
B13 lab Check Write up – 5 points – Title, Challenge Completed Data Table (Student sheet 13.1) – 5 points Copy of Life Cycle Diagram in your lab book - 15 points – Does the diagram list all the stages? 5 points – Does the diagram show detailed inputs and outputs at each stage? 5 points – Do you understand the life cycle of this product after reading this life cycle diagram? 5 points Analysis 1 through 5 – 5 points Total = 30 points
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials What are some common properties of materials that we can observe? Light Transmission – Does light pass through the object? Luster-How light is reflected from the object. Shiny? Dull? Earthy? Etc. Texture – How does it feel? Gritty? Smooth? Etc. Flexibility – Does the object bend with gentle pressure?
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Write up B14 beginning on Page B-14
Exit Ticket Which properties do you think will be the most helpful in identifying an unknown materials? Why do you think that?
Do Now for 11/2/12 Open books to page B-14 HW: None
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Today’s Target: I will be able to identify the properties of several different materials. Introduce B14 Lab safety Gather data Analysis
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Why do we use foam “packing peanuts” to ship delicate items? Why do they use snow to make igloos in Greenland? Key Point: (write this in your notebook for B14) We select materials for particular jobs based on their properties and their availability
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials What two factors determine which materials we select for a certain job? The materials’ properties. The materials’ availability.
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Some of the properties we will look at: Luster-How light is reflected from the object. Shiny? Dull? Earthy? Etc. Light Transmission – Does light pass through the object? Texture – How does it feel? Gritty? Smooth? Etc. Flexibility – Does the object bend with gentle pressure?
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials You’re going to test the characteristics of each of the materials at your station and complete the chart. Follow the directions on pages B-16 and 17 to test all the characteristics. Lab Safety – Goggles and aprons must be worn and wash your hands!!!! Everything must be cleaned up and organized when you are done. Record your data on Student Sheet 14.1 Complete Procedure step 3.
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Exit Ticket Which properties do you think will be the most helpful in identifying an unknown materials? Why do you think that?
Do Now for 11/5/12 Take out B14 and open books to page B-16 HW: B14 will be checked tomorrow Read and write up B15 Properties of materials song
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials Today’s Target: I will be able to identify the properties of several different materials. Go over results Group our data Step 3 Analysis - Vocabulary Complete Lab report
2. Should the shape of an object be considered a property of the material? Explain. No, the shape of an object is the property of the object, not the material. The same material, like plastic, can be made into many different shapes.
3. In this activity, you recorded the color of each material. Think of and explain two cases in which color does not help identify a material. Some materials have a distinctive color, such as metals, but many other materials such as plastics and glass, can be produced in a variety of colors. Plastic is another material that can be dyed in any color. So knowing the color of the plastic does not automatically indicate which plastic it is.
#4 – Draw the Table
1. Chemical property: A specific result of a test with a chemical reagent. Chemical properties include pH, the production of a salt when an acid reacts with a metal, or a unique color change in a chemical reaction. 2. Physical property: A characteristic of a substance or material, such as color, density, flexibility, hardness. These properties help identify pure substances and never change whether there is a large sample or very small sample of material. They are intrinsic properties.
B14 Key Points 1. We select materials for particular jobs based on their properties and their availability 2. Those properties that are less open to interpretation are generally better when grouping materials. i.e. Conductivity – the material either conducted electricity or not. There was no in between
B14 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials – Key Points 3. Substances have characteristic properties, such as density and conductivity, that are independent of the amount of the sample. 4. Substances are often placed in categories or groups if they react in similar ways; metal is an example of such a group.
Exit Ticket Why don’t we use gold to make electrical wires? It conducts electricity as good as copper.