Science Behind Sustainable Seafood Responsible Management – You Decide! Alaska Fisheries Science Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Science Behind Sustainable Seafood Responsible Management – You Decide! Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Add photo What does it take to ensure responsibly harvested seafood?

Read Part 1 in the Journey from Sea to Market Seafood is healthy! Why should we worry about where our seafood comes from and if it is sustainably harvested?

Read Part 2 in the Journey from Sea to Market What does a healthy Walleye Pollock population look like?

Why are the different components important in ensuring sustainable seafood? U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Fisheries | Page 5

Read Part 3 in the Journey from Sea to Market Why is it important to manage the TAC or total allowable catch for Walleye Pollock in Alaska?

Read Part 4 in the Journey from Sea to Market Why is it important to take care of any harvested organism prior to it being consumed?

Industry representatives – You support fishing industry and you will use your own anecdotal evidence Council members – Council members do not have a position. They must objectively review all the information presented to them and make decisions based on the National Standards of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Concerned Citizens - You are a group of concerned citizens representing various non-profit/non-governmental organizations (NGO), you may also represent an Alaska Native group. Scientists - We analyzed the data and came up with a TAC. It was decreased by 5% because of uncertainty in certain ecosystem parameters. 4 Groups

Step 1: Data Collection Each team receives a factsheet and possibly a dataset to work on solving their part of the mystery. Step 2: Consensus Each team will have to come to consensus on their point of view. When finished with their deliberation, the teams will then develop their presentation. Process

Step 3: Teacher Rounds Make sure that each team is prepared make the points that you want them to make. What strikes you as significant? Step 4: Presentation Preparation Each home team will work on a presentation of their findings to present to the rest of the class. Poster presentation oral presentation dance or song It is the responsibility of each team to make sure that all of its members understand the material thoroughly and are prepared to teach it. Process

National StandardsScientistsIndustry Concerned Citizens Achieve Optimum Yield and prevent overfishing Best available scientific information Manage stocks as a unit Allocations fair and equitable, promote conservation, and prevent excessive shares Consider efficiency in utilization; not have economic allocation as sole purpose Allow for variations and contingencies Minimize costs, avoid duplication Consider fishing communities to provide for their sustained participation and to minimize adverse economic impacts Minimize bycatch, bycatch mortality Promote safety of human life at sea Total number of checks

Step 5: Written assignment Compare work done by a student’s own team with that done by a different team. Take all of the information presented by each team and use it to address a new/different/summary issue. Step 6: Group Session Evaluation Evaluate each person’s ability to teach the rest of the group. Fill out the evaluation form during the session so that students can have feedback immediately after class. student assistants can evaluate several groups Process

Step 7: Presentation to Council Each group present their point of view to the Council. Comparison of information from each team Step 8: Council Deliberation The Council will take all teams data and deliberate and come back with a decision. Each group presents its most important point. Make a list of main points on the board, going around until all points are written on the board. Process

Read Part 5 in the Journey from Sea to Market Why is it important to hear everyone’s perspective?

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