Baled Silage Storage 4-10% loss Baling 2-5% loss Feeding Minimal loss Feeding Wilting 2-5% loss Fewer Losses Accumulate With Each Step End Result: 90% of Original DM Can be more efficient…
Quality Advantages Lowered risk of rain damage Less shatter loss Higher forage quality 1 Lower NDF, ADF, ADL Higher CP Increased digestibility Increased palatability 1 Han, et al. 2005; Hancock and Collins, 2006.
Less dependent on weather Makes use of some forages that other-wise wouldn’t work. Silage & Haylage SILAGE - Forage that has undergone anaerobic fermentation
Silage Fermentation Lactic acid bacteria Acetic acid bacteria Silage pH pH 6.0 pH 4.2 pH Days after ensiling Acetic acid, like propionic acid in hay preservatives, is an antagonist to yeast/fungal growth. Plus, there is very little oxygen for the fungus to grow.
Silage pH pH Sorghum- sudan Alfalfa
Consider: Cost, Labor, Speed, Volume Bale Wrapper Selection
Baled Silage Costs Plastic Cost: $ $15.00/ton DM Wrapper cost: $ $5.00/ton DM Fuel & Repairs: $ $5.00/ton DM Labor: $ $2.00/ton DM Total: $12 - $25/ton DM
Wrapping System Determines Through-Put Cut mid-afternoon on one day, bale & wrap the next day. Amount cut = how much can be baled and wrapped the next day. Bales should be wrapped w/in 12 hrs of baling.
Optimize bale size match to tractor dense bales 4’x 5’ bale is most popular lbs, dep. on %M square edges Use plastic twine or net sisal twine degrades plastic Optimize bale size match to tractor dense bales 4’x 5’ bale is most popular lbs, dep. on %M square edges Use plastic twine or net sisal twine degrades plastic Make Good Bales
Wrap at the storage site reduces handling reduces risk of spoilage Choose an Appropriate Site for Wrapping
Bale at the Right Moisture Ideal Range, 50-65% Moisture Rule of thumb: bale when the forage is no longer wet enough to wring juice out of a handful. Rule of thumb: bale when the forage is no longer wet enough to wring juice out of a handful. Poor Fermentation Toxic Potential (Clostridial, Listeriosis) 70% 40% Moisture
Apply enough plastic but no more layers (+ double on joints) 4-6 layers
Storage Treatment Consumption 2 layers53% 2 layers53% 4 layers 84% 4 layers 84% 6 layers 88% 6 layers 88% Hay44% Hay44% Alfalfa silage & hay 2, 4, or 6 layers of film 2 layers Hay 4 layers 6 layers
Baled Silage – An Option for Harvesting High Quality TreatmentCPTDNRFQADG %(lbs/hd/d) Bermuda Hay16.1 a62.9 b116 c1.56 b Ryegrass Baleage16.3 a65.9 a174 a1.94 a Ryegrass Hay14.7 b62.4 c133 b1.26 b LSD
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