APTLD Update Ian Chiang APTLD Secretariat 22/02/2004
What’s New in 2003 Legally incorporated in Malaysia 7 new members Establish APTLD sponsorship Program Organize APTLD Technical Workshop New APTLD Website Publish Member’s bi-monthly newsletter Extend Board’s term to 2 years, with half of Board seats open for election each year. TWNIC re-appointed as APTLD Secretariat for another 2-year term
2003 Events Overview 4 face to face meetings: –February AGM – Taipei, Taiwan –May Member/Board Meeting – KL, Malaysia –August Member/Board Meeting – Busan, Korea –November Member/Board Meeting and Technical Workshop – Wellington, New Zealand 1 ad hoc board meeting during ICANN Carthage Meetings 2 on-line Board meetings in January and May 1 on-line Membership WG meeting in July
APTLD Members Status APTLD is based on membership, and its activities are funded by membership fees. 21 ordinary members including –au, cc, cn, cx, hk, jp, kr, my, nu, nz, ph, sg, th, tj, tv, tw, vn –tk (23 Nov. 2003) –jo (09 Dec. 2003) –nf (13 Jan. 2004) –lk (04 Feb. 2004)
APTLD Members Status 2 associate member: –Afilias (in process) –Register.com, Inc. (in process) 1 observer: –CENTR (Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries)
APTLD Board of Directors 2004 Board of Directors: –Chris DISSPAIN (.au) * –Hualin QIAN (.cn) * –Yumi OHASHI (.jp) –Chan-ki PARK (.kr) * –Shariya Haniz ZULKIFLI (.my) * –Richard ST. CLAIR (.nu) * –Peter Dengate THRUSH (.nz) –Vincent WS CHEN (.tw) * mark = 2004 Newly Elected Board Members.
APTLD Committees at work Membership/Sponsorship Committee (Chair: Yumi OHASHI) ICANN Relations Committee (Chair: Peter Dengate THRUSH) Technical Committee (Chair: Kanchana Kanchanasut) Constitutional Committee (Chair: Shariya Haniz ZULKIFLI) Meeting Committee (Chair: Chris DISSPAIN) Audit Committee (Chair: Chan-ki PARK)
APTLD Technical Outreach Target: APTLD member and non-member in the Asia Pacific Region Objectives: Education, Information sharing on related technical matters Relationship building among the internet technical community of the Asia Pacific region Promote APTLD
Technical Outreach Initiation 1st APTLD Technical Workshop at Wellington 21–22/11/2003 in conj. with APTLD Wellington Member and Board Meetings. WS Program organised by Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut (Tech Committee Chair) Thanks to InternetNZ’s supports (local host) Topics covered: DNS and IPv6 Support M and F Rootserver Mirroring IDN Issues Registry database ENUM Introduction on InternetNZ CityLink Wellington
Wellington Workshop Summary Workshop program and presentations are available at: orkshop_Program_02.htm Approx participants from.au,.jp,.kr,.my,.nz,.ph,.th,.tw,.info Agreed to continue organizing future APTLD workshops
APTLD Sponsorship Program Purpose: To increase awareness of the benefits of being a member of the APTLD To contribute to the adoption of best practice in DNS matters among ccTLDs in the Asia Pacific region. Target: ccTLDs in the Asia Pacific region who cannot themselves fund attendance at APTLD members meetings and/or technical workshops.
APTLD Sponsorship Program Assistance provide a financial contribution to the costs of air fares and accommodation. This contribution may cover all or part of such expenses. Applicants: Application from a person or organisation listed as a ‘sponsoring organisation’ in the IANA database Recommendations made by APTLD members More more details and application form can be found at:
APTLD 2004 Event Schedule 24 Feb: Technical Workshop 26 Feb: APTLD AGM, KL (in conj. with APRICOT 2004) 18 Jul: APTLD Member/Board Meeting, KL (in conj. with ICANN KL Meetings) Between 4~6 Nov: APTLD Member/Board Meeting and Technical Workshop, Perth (TBD)
2004 Technical Workshop Schedule 2nd APTLD Tech WS in conj. with APRICOT 2004 On 24 Feb 2004 at KL, co-host with APNIC Tech WS is included in "Internet Resource Management Essentials", which is the open tutorial session hosted by APNIC. Schedule can be found at the following: Topics: –DNS Principles (by Chris Wright, AusRegistry) –ccTLD/gTLD and Related Organizations (by Hiro Hotta, JPRS) –EPP (by Jeff Yeh, TWNIC)
2004 Technical Workshop Schedule 3rd Technical Workshop will be held in November 2004 at Perth, Australia in conj. with APTLD Perth Meeting
Kuala Lumpur AGM Breakfast Working Session Guest Session with IANA GM, Mr. Doug Barton: What's in the pipeline for IANA in 2004 & Q&A AGM: Approve new Board members elected, Housekeeping Matters and Discussions on ICANN, ccNSO, ALAC, ccTLD AdCom and ENUM Board Meeting Agenda is available at:
Reference APTLD Homepage: Join APTLD: Contact: (Secretariat)
Thank You!