Career planning and research New common points scale for entry into higher education from 2017 5 th Year Career Night 12 th April2016 Study skills for 5 th year students AGENDA
The basic matriculation requirements will also be introduced, as follows: Where the requirements are currently 2 higher level C3 grades and 4 ordinary level D3 grades, in 2017 these will become 2 H5 and 4 O6/H7 grades. Where the requirements are currently 5 ordinary level D3 grades, in 2017 these will become 5O6/H7 grades. Where the requirements are currently 3 higher level C3 grades and 3 ordinary level D3 grades, in 2017 these will become 3 H5 and 3 O6/H7 grades. WILL BASIC MATRICULATION REQUIREMENTS ALSO CHANGE IN 2017?
Put the effort in over the two years, 5 th and 6 th. Get into a routine of study early on. Are motivated. Are organised. Live a balanced lifestyle. Have discovered a method of study that suits them. Are aware of their abilities and limitations and set realistic goals for themselves. STUDENTS WHO DO WELL IN THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE
Take class tests and school exams seriously. Have conditions at home conducive to study Have supportive, interested parents who encourage, motivate and get the pressure balance right. STUDENTS WHO DO WELL IN THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE
What is meant by “study”? Homework, Making notes, Revision, Practice exam questions. How much study? STUDY AND ORGANISATION
Study Routine:-Realistic and achievable study timetable. -To allow for inclusion of other aspects of life. (Balance) -Support from family for that routine. STUDY AND ORGANISATION
Conditions Conducive to Study: Suitable place for study: Quiet, no radio, music or television. Desk and chair. Good heat and light. No distractions:No friends calling. No Telephone calls. Consideration from other family members. CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO STUDY
Organisation:-Good notes, organised in files. -Correct books. Study Methods: minute segments with short 5-10 min breaks. -Take notes, summarise, study, memorise, test. CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO STUDY
Study Methods -Keep record of study to monitor progress and trends. -Experiment with different approaches. -Set Goals
INTERNAL Own values Self esteem & self belief Clear goals Progress & success (the more you do the more you feel you can do) EXTERNAL Parents Peers School tests & exams Rewards MOTIVATION MOTIVATORS: POSITIVE STRESS (INTERNAL & EXTERNAL FACTORS)
Low self-esteem (lack of confidence) Negative comparisons with others Unrealistic expectations (high/low) Too much stress/ pressure No clear future career plans Too little stress/ Pressure Lack of Routine Disorganisation (Missing notes, Not being able to find anything) Work is allowed to pile up and becomes too much to cope with DEMOTIVATORS
Sleep:7/8 hours per night Diet:Healthy and balanced Exercise:Sports/ walking/ swimming Part-time work:Keep to a minimum: e.g. Saturdays. Not during the week or Sunday nights. Social life: Not during the week or Sunday nights. LIVING A BALANCED LIFESTYLE ORGANISED ROUTINE: ALLOW TIME FOR EVERYTHING.
PLAN YOUR CAREER Self -Knowing Yourself Assess your interests, strengths, values and skills Knowing your Options Assess your options; career research, work experience, career talks, career trips Making Decisions Taking Action and move on
Career Decision Making is a gradual process not an instant decision. SELF (What suits me?) Interests Aptitudes Personality Skills Values Rewards FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN CAREER PLANNING
WORK (What’s out there?) Opportunities Level of Entry Training/Education Career Development
Further/Higher Education -CAO-UCAS (UK Colleges) -Eunicas (Europe) -Post Leaving Certificate Training Work Year Out OPTIONS AFTER THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE:
Books, Newspapers, Prospectus Careers & Further Education Exhibitions Open Days Career Talks Internet Guidance Counsellor Family and Friends Careers night CAREERS RESEARCH
Course Content/ Training schedule Minimum entry requirements Career Opportunities QUESTIONS TO ASK
Educational or vocational Subjects studied Optional subjects 2nd/3rd year choices Professional experience Year abroad Qualification (Is there a ladder of progression available?) Duration of course COURSE CONTENT
College requirements Course requirements Points MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
The Work -What’s involved in the job? Skills needed-Emotional, cognitive communication, physical, etc. Industry Climate- Opportunities, promotions Advantages & Disadvantages of the work Salary The answers to all these queries must be weighed up in conjunction with; Interests, Aptitudes, Personality, Values & Rewards CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
Trip to UCD Career talks Career evening Student research Student preparation (e.g portfolio) Interest inventories Study skills Individual meeting to discuss career plans SCHOOL GUIDANCE PROGRAMME 5TH YEAR
12 th April 2016 This event run in collaboration with the Parent’s Council allows students to meet and talk to people from a number of different professions. CAREERS NIGHT
Careers Classes Career Talks Open Days Centigrade Interest Inventory Individual Interviews with Guidance Counsellor College Applications SCHOOL GUIDANCE PROGRAMME 6TH YEAR
Motivate- Encourage, recognize progress, reward. Monitor- Take interest, check, talk to other parents, P.T. meetings, take exam results seriously. Try to be aware: Of what’s going on in school re: tests, work etc. ROLE OF PARENTS
Try to be aware of:SIGNS OF STRESS -Tiredness -Irritability -Too much or too little sleep -Negative talk -Lowering of ambition -Change in Appetite -Lack of concentration SIGNS OF STRESS
Avoidance-Excuses for not studying -“I have no work to do” -Regular patterns of sickness and absence from school
Parental Support & Interest makes a difference Start career planning and research The Leaving Certificate is a 2 year course The student is ultimately responsible. CONCLUSION
15 TH Oct. - UCAS Applications to Med/Dent/Vet and Oxford/Cambridge End of November -All other UCAS app. 1 st Feb. –CAO Deadline Jan. and Feb. – PLC applications KEY DATES
If you would like further information please contact us THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING.