How did women leaders experience ASHE? How did these women leaders craft their leadership identity? How was ASHE influenced by these women leaders?
ASHE History Leadership Theory Social Constructivism and Identity Theory Gendered Organizational Theory
Structuration Oral History Feminist Standpoint Theory
In 1977—first ASHE conference › 10 papers in 4 sessions › No women presenting In 1987—first ASHE conference separate from AAHE (Clif Conrad-President) › 37 research papers › 14 women presenting In 2010—Largest conference › 276 research papers › 250 women presenting/138 1 st author
Structural Influences on Leadership Shifting Patterns of Leadership Expectations Resistance via Practices of Self Scholarly Leadership to Multidimensional Leadership
Historic pipeline of conference chair to ASHE president Increasing size shifted leadership needs Role of the “firsts”
Complexity of context › Scholars of color › New forms of knowledge creation Internal institutional demands on faculty work
Children at ASHE Program Themes Ad hoc Committees
Demands of growth Bifurcation › Senior Scholars › Newcomers/graduate students Expansion of expectations › External funding › Interaction with professional staff
How does the past help us understand the significance of pivotal events? How can lessons learned by senior ASHE members serve as a bridge to newer members and emerging scholars? What are the key challenges facing the organization and what are the appropriate approaches to take to address these challenges?