Putting All the Pieces Together DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT Six Systems SIP Core Disciplines Vision STUDENT SUCCESSSTUDENT SUCCESS
VISION STATEMENT To inspire each student to set personal goals and believe he or she can reach those goals in order to meet challenges and be successful in our ever-changing, technological world. This district will: Engage students, staff, family and community to establish relationships that lead to a passion for and a commitment to continuous growth. Provide current, challenging, innovative, proven and appropriate programs, activities and opportunities that focus on the diverse needs of our students. Maintain a safe and caring environment that is responsive to students, staff, family and community.
Vision Statement Discipline LiteracyMathScience Social Studies Fine Arts No Excuses University Individual Student Growth Career Planning Culture of Universal Achievement Daily - Team Meetings Weekly - Grade Level Teams, SAP Meetings, CRT, etc. Monthly - SIP Meetings, Faculty Meetings Collaboration (Achivement) Curriculum Document (Unit Plans, Full Scope and Sequence) Quality Instruction Lessons Aligned to Standards MAP, DIBELS, DRA, EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT Classroom Assessment Assessment Driven Instruction Assessments that Guide Instruction Skyward, SWISS, Etc. Scorecards Data Management Tier II - Check in/Check Out, Social Emotional Groups, Critical Reading Course, etc. Tier III - Reading Recovery, Wraps Interventions Stakeholder Engagement (Communication, Partnerships, etc.) Workforce Quality (PD, Evaluations, etc.)
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Review Vision Conduct SWOT Analysis Strategic Advantages (SO) and Challenges (WT) Long Term Strategic Objectives Short Term Annual ScorecardTargets Building Level Targets and SIP Plans Formative and Summative Plan and Targets Reviews
are designed to meet long and short term targets by making improvement to the six systems in the core discipline areas, by engaging stakeholders and by improving workforce quality. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS