ILO Department of Statistics Edgardo Greising
ILO Department of Statistics Edgardo Greising
I. Introduction II. ILOSTAT and GSBPM III. Types of Metadata IV. ILOSTAT Metadata V. Summary
ILOSTAT, new Statistical Information System New data collection approach New application Standards based Metadata driven
ILOSTAT modules Data collection Data cleaning process Data dissemination Workflow control Metadata
GSBPM phases 1. Specify needs 2. Design 3. Build 4. Collect 5. Process 6. Analyse 7. Disseminate 8. Archive 9. Evaluate Overarching processes: Quality management Metadata management ……
ILOSTAT Compliance
Metadata classification
Technical metadata System’s parameters Govern automatic updates and scheduled batch processes Data Collection Structural validation of data collection instruments User Access Control Roles, credentials, access rights, etc. Process Consistency rules Formulas for calculated indicators Dissemination website Context information: language, country, subject
Process metadata ILOSTAT’s workflow Information used by: Country Specialists: to manage data collection activities Supervisors: to have real time information about the amount and quality of the data compiled Applications: to drive the data workflow
Structural metadata Business Structural metadata The “heart” of the metadata driven system. code lists for all the concepts in use definition of all the artefacts used for data collection: questionnaires, DSD’s, etc. Dissemination: tables, charts, navigation menus, etc. Stored in a single metadata repository Shared by all the modules Single point of maintenance
Statistical metacontent Business Reference metadata Descriptive metadata Statistical metacontent Typical “data about data”. Two classes of metacontent: Observation value status: sometimes called flag Notes: controlled vocabulary, coded at collection time Cleaning module Checking for mandatory and contradictory notes Dissemination module Table metadata, flags and footnotes Consolidation of footnotes at display time
Unlabeled stuffLabeled stuff The bean example is taken from: A Manager’s Introduction to Adobe eXtensible Metadata Platform,
Statistical metacontent Business Reference metadata Descriptive metadata Statistical metacontent Typical “data about data”. Two classes of metacontent: Observation value status: sometimes called flag Notes: controlled vocabulary, coded at collection time Cleaning module Checking for mandatory and contradictory notes Dissemination module Table metadata, flags and footnotes Consolidation of footnotes at display time
Methodological metadata Business Reference metadata Descriptive metadata Methodological metadata Methodology used for primary data collection and processing “Source & Methods” connected to the series by the “survey” key collects and disseminates the information in DDI 2.x
Quality metadata Business Reference metadata Descriptive metadata Quality metadata Stored in the Workflow tables Provides information about the quality of the data Ex.: After consistency checking data status can be “Error”, “Ready for dissemination” or “Ready by allowance”. Additional quality related information attached as comments
External resources Business Reference metadata External resources Artefacts and documents related to the studies Questionnaires Methodological guidelines Maps Full study metadata in DDI and microdata files will be available from the ILO Central Microdata Repository
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Skype: egreising Twitter: egreising LinkedIn:
Knowing how it goes. (country + user) Qtable (country + indic + survey)