Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Activities during Exploration: Struggles Country Encountered: Impact on the New World: Accomplishments:
Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Searching for Gold Searching for the Northwest Passage Searching for Gold Fleeing religious persecution in England Activities during Exploration: Struggles Country Encountered: Impact on the New World: Accomplishments:
Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Searching for Gold Searching for the Northwest Passage Searching for Gold Fleeing religious persecution in England Activities during Exploration: Set up Encomiendas and put Natives to work to make money for their Spanish Masters Established good trade relations with natives (fur) Grew Tobacco Struggles Country Encountered: Impact on the New World: Accomplishments:
Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Searching for Gold Searching for the Northwest Passage Searching for Gold Fleeing religious persecution in England Activities during Exploration: Set up Encomiendas and put Natives to work to make money for their Spanish Masters Established good trade relations with natives (fur) Grew Tobacco Struggles Country Encountered: Disease and overwork decimated Native population Lack of support from Mother Country Cold Climate Lack of support from Mother Country Impact on the New World: Accomplishments:
Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Searching for Gold Searching for the Northwest Passage Searching for Gold Fleeing religious persecution in England Activities during Exploration: Set up Encomiendas and put Natives to work to make money for their Spanish Masters Established good trade relations with natives (fur) Grew Tobacco Struggles Country Encountered: Disease and overwork decimated Native population Lack of support from Mother Country Cold Climate Lack of support from Mother Country Impact on the New World: Brought African slaves over Transferred Spanish social class system, style of government, and Catholic Religion Brought French Culture and Catholic Religion Brought their Culture (language, Protestant religions, and ideas about self-government) Accomplishments:
Mother Country: Spain FranceEngland Motives for Exploration: Searching for Gold Searching for the Northwest Passage Searching for Gold Fleeing religious persecution in England Activities during Exploration: Set up Encomiendas and put Natives to work to make money for their Spanish Masters Established good trade relations with natives (fur) Grew Tobacco Struggles Country Encountered: Disease and overwork decimated Native population Lack of support from Mother Country Cold Climate Lack of support from Mother Country Impact on the New World: Brought African slaves over Transferred Spanish social class system, style of government, and Catholic Religion Brought French Culture and Catholic Religion Brought their Culture (language, Protestant religions, and ideas about self-government) Accomplishments: Established settlements in present day Florida and South Carolina By the A.R. War, established missions along the Pacific Coast Established settlements in Montreal and Quebec Claimed the land near Mississippi River and named it Louisiana. Established permanent settlements called Virginia and New England