Textual Analysis How to Analyse your text and create powerful, diverse characters
Goal 0 Each time your character speaks they have a goal or objective they are trying to achieve. This may change from line to line or from scene to scene or be informed by what another character says. Understanding your characters goal helps to tap into what motivates them throughout a text.
Obstacle 0 Obstacle refers to the issues or problems that characters try to solve throughout a scene or play. This obstacle is often what is obstructing individuals from achieving their respective goals. Obstacles may be ongoing or transient.
Tactic 0 Tactic is what behaviours or idea your character uses or employs to try and overcome their obstacle and achieve their goal. Discovering your character’s tactic in a scene helps to create believable multi-faceted characters.
Expectation 0 This refers to what your character is expecting in return from other characters in a scene and how they think perceived by them.
G O T E 0 OEDIPUS: Your prayers are heard: and if you will obey 0 Your king, and hearken to his words, you soon 0 Shall find relief; myself will heal your woes. 0 I was a stranger to the dreadful deed, 0 A stranger e'en to the report till now; 0 And yet without some traces of the crime 0 I should not urge this matter; therefore hear me. 0 I speak to all the citizens of Thebes, 0 Myself a citizen--observe me well: 0 If any know the murderer of Laius, 0 Let him reveal it; I command you all.