Prepared by :Taghreed Al-Attar Insomnia Prepared by :Taghreed Al-Attar
What is insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by problems in a person’s sleeping patterns and affects people differently Insomnia affects all age group Among adults, Insomnia affects women more often than men Insomnia tends to increase with age
Sleep stages We cycle through the stages of sleep about every 90 minutes during the night, in the same order Most dreaming occurs during the second half of the night, as REM sleep lasts longer and longer
Sleep stages cont. Stage 1: Very light sleep Stage 2: Light sleep Stage 3: Deeper sleep Stage 4: Very deep sleep, most restorative Stage 5: REM sleep, when we dream
Types of insomnia Transient: Less than 2 weeks Intermittent: Repetitive episodes of transient insomnia Chronic: Continuing difficulty with sleep
Causes Stress Anxiety Medications Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol Medical conditions Change in environment or work schedule Poor sleep habits Eating too much late in the evening
Consequences Impaired mental functioning Accidents Stress and depression Heart disease Headaches Economic effects
Need to know On average, most people need between seven and nine hours of good sleep each night in order to feel alert the next day See a doctor if the insomnia lasts more than a few weeks Insomnia can have physical and psychological effects
Treatment See a doctor Take a warm bath Listen to Quran Drink warm milk Drink herbal tea Provide comfortable sleep environment Count something Take medications