Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review1 Southern African Large Telescope Prime Focus Imaging Spectrograph Mechanical Mechanism Design Michael.


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Presentation transcript:

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review1 Southern African Large Telescope Prime Focus Imaging Spectrograph Mechanical Mechanism Design Michael Smith University of Wisconsin - Madison

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review2 Introduction Mechanism Preliminary Design Collimator Mechanisms Camera Mechanisms Articulation Packaging Lifting and Handling

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review3 Overview Focus mechanism Filter Mechanism Camera Tube Slit mask mechanism Wave plate mechanism Mirror mechanism Shutter Mechanism Etalon Mechanisms Grating mechanism Near IR Visible Beam Collimator Lens Holder

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review4 Slit Mask Mechanism Focal plane structure First group lens mounting Horizontal Carrier Vertical Carrier Magazine Rack Collimator Wave Plates Focal Plane Camera CCD Slit Masks Mirror

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review5 Slit Mask Mechanism Slit masks Rack with engaging tooth Stepper Motor & pinion

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review6 Wave Plate Mechanism

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review7 Wave Plate Mechanism Rotational Motor Linear Slide Wave plate in stacked arrangement Slim Section Bearings Spur Gear Pinion Optical axis

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review8 Mirror Mechanism Motor - Linear actuation Beam location ( Z-axis) Base Plate Trunion Linear slide rails

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review9 Camera Assembly Focus mechanism Filter Mechanism CCD Camera with electronics Shutter Mechanism Etalon Mechanisms Grating mechanism Near IR Light entry Articulation BearingArticulation Drive

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review10 Focus Mechanism Lensholder Aerotech slide ATS0300 Series Collimator Focal Plane Camera CCD Focus

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review11 Shutter Mechanism Aperture  162mm Solenoid/Pneumatic Cylinder Collimator Focal Plane Camera CCD Shutter

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review12 Etalon Mechanism Linear slide Etalon holder Slide Base plate Pneumatic Cylinder Actuation Collimator Focal Plane Camera CCD Etalons

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review13 VPH Grating Mechanism Grating in the beam Camera Structure Grating housing Spring loaded set screw Rotational Stage (Newport) VPH Spectroscopy CCD Grating

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review14 Polarizer Mechanism Polarizer in frame Worm and worm gear Support mounting on camera structure Motor Collimator Focal Plane Camera CCD Polarizer

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review15 Filter Mechanism Base plate for carrier Magazine Motion of filter from magazine to carrier to holder Carrier Filter Holder Motion of Carrier Collimator Focal Plane Camera CCD Filter

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review16 Articulation Mechanism Roller Pinion mates with gear on I beam Camera Tube Motor I Beam with gear cut on top flange Bottom rollers with flexure Camera Articulates 0-90 degrees

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review17 Packaging Optical and mechanism sub-assemblies removable and packed in hard, padded, air-tight containers. Frame structure packed in custom made crate. Same container for transport and storage for swap-out items like etalons. Instrument designed to facilitate easy dismantling, packing and reassembly. On-site verification of optical alignment after reassembly.

Oct 17, 2001SALT PFIS Preliminary Design Review18 Lifting & Handling 2500mm 700mm 1400 x 1400 Separator Frame 12 Fixture Points