Fish Octavio’s Book Fish
All fish live in water and are vertebrates ( have backbones )
The halibut and the cod are fish
Fish stay at the temperature of the water they live in
The salmon and the tuna are fish
All fish use gills to get oxygen from the water
The red snapper and the red grouper are fish
Most fish have two pair of fins on their sides
The mackerel and the herring are fish
Most fish have smooth, overlapping scales
The clownfish and the blue tang have scales
Some fish have soft cartilaginous skeleton
The shark and the ray are cartilaginous fish
Fish come in a variety of shapes and colors
The seahorse and the puffer fish are fish
The largest fish is the whale shark (grow up to 50-60ft )
The sailfish is the fastest swimmer (up to 100km/h)
Other fish are:
The moorish idol and the butterfly fish
The lionfish and the fire fish
The betta splendens and the dragon fish
and many more…
there are over 22,000 knows species of fish