Vocabulary Unit 3 Words th Grade
You can singe your eyebrows if you get too close to a fire. Be careful! SingeSinge: (v.) to burn slightly; (n.) a burn at the edge of something
Every single snowflake is unique – no two are exactly the same as each other. UniqueUnique: (adj.) unusual, one of a kind
Abraham Lincoln was an upright man who never lied. UprightUpright: (adj.) vertical, honest; (adv.) in a vertical position The seahorse is different from all other fish – it swims upright.
In our science class, we use the scientific method to verify our conclusions. VerifyVerify: (v.) to establish the truth or accuracy of something
The puppy yearned for a bite of the cupcake. YearnYearn: (v.) to have a strong desire, to want something