The effects of racism The effects of racism E Evoking bad feelings It can lead to serious problems t can affect people´s behaviour Danger of alcohol or drug addiction
Equal rights for everyone Equal rights for everyone N Not only colour, also mentality Racial discrimination More tolerance ulticultural society Signs of racism R Racism at school
Challenging racism Challenging racism C Complicated process Need of getting some assistance Talks with friends, family Learning how to solve problems Not reacting
Racism is your problem, too Racism is your problem, too P People´s bakwardness An advertising campaigns Change of the whole society Government P P riority to get rid of racism Improving laws
How to beat racism How to beat racism W Wearing a shame suit Punishing by law Racism classes Compulsory religious lessons Importance of campaigns
Religious discrimination Religious discrimination P Problem of diversity Ticking bomb Problem of low toleration Unwritten rules of each nation Exigency of the tolerance