Final Presentation Avilés-Angélica, Blanco-Alberto, Fuentes-Alba, Pell-Xavier, Schenini-Juan, Talukder-Nurul
Introduction Problem Solution Central Agent and Coordinator Agent Scouts Coordinator Agent and Scouts Agents Harvesters Coordinator and Harvesters Agents Conclusion
Central Administrator The central administrator consists of two agents: Central Agent (CA) and Coordinator Agent (C) Each agent performs their task and when needed collaborate with each other. The basic scheme of the central administrator is shown in the following slide.
The architecture of the central administrator
The central agent initiates the simulation process. It loads the configuration file and get details of the map, game duration turns, time to think, rows, columns, number of scouts, number of harvesters and the positions of recycle centers etc. Starts the simulation by sending a message to the coordinator.
Waits for the message from Coordinator agent with changes in the map. Then redraw the GUI and send updates to C. Checks the turn is finished or not, if finished send the “Finish” message to the C. Stops simulation and generate log report containing the statistics to evaluate the performance of the agents.
Maintains the communication between the CA and other coordinator agents (e.g. Harvester Coordinator, Scout Coordinator). Starts simulation when gets message from the CA. Receives new updates from the subordinate coordinators. Checks if there is any collusion or the execution is possible or not.
if possible, send the details to the CA. Keeps track of the map and changes internally. After CA update the GUI and send the update of the map, it updates its own map. Continue the simulation until receives the “Finish” message from CA.