HoneyComb HoneyComb Automated IDS Signature Generation using Honeypots Prepare by LIW JIA SENG Supervisor : AP. Dr. Mohamed Othman
Introduction Honeycomb is a system for automated generation of signatures for network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs). Applies protocol analysis and pattern- detection techniques to traffic captured on honeypots. Honeycomb is good at spotting worms.
Problem Statement Manually creation of Intrusion Detection Signatures is a tedious, inefficiency process. There are more and more malware variants and self-propagating malware can spread very rapidly. We need fast, automatic detection.
Objective To extend the open source honeypot honeyd by honeycomb plug-in. To implement the honeycomb on real environment. Evaluate honeycomb on controlled environment. Measure the system performance and quality of signatures.
Scope Re-implements the research for automated generation attack signatures for NIDSs using Honeypots. Setting up a Honeypots extended system. Conduct experiments on the system. Measure system performance.
Literature Review Internet Worms : Worm Propagation Behavior Morris Worm Code Red I Code Red II SQL Slammer Nimda
Literature Review Intrusion Detection System : Signature Based Anomaly Detection Snort Bro Related Works : Sweetbait PAYL Autograph
Honeycomb Architecture
Signature Creation Algorithm
Pattern Detection Horizontal detection Comparing all messages at the same depth. Messages are passed as input to the LCS algorithm in pairs.
Pattern Detection Vertical detection Concatenating several messages into a string. Comparing this with a corresponding concatenated string.
Signature Lifecycles Relational operators on signatures: sig 1 = sig 2 : all elements equal sig 1 sig 2 : elements differ sig 1 sig 2 : sig 1 contains subset of sig 2 ’s facts sig new = sig pool : sig new ignored sig new sig pool : sig new added sig new sig pool : sig new added sig pool sig new : sig new augments sig pool
System Framework
HoneyComb Network Diagram
Experiments Controlled Environment Experiments : Evaluate the effectiveness and the quality of the worm signature created by the HoneyComb Live Traffic Experiments.: Determine what kind of signatures those generate by HoneyComb in the real traffic environment.
Controlled Environment Experiments
TCP worm – Code Red II UDP worm – SQL Slammer Actual worms packet payload used. Sent worms packets from compromise host to HoneyComb machine.
Controlled Environment Experiments
Result : TCP Worms – Code Red II alert tcp /24 any -> /16 80 (msg: "Honeycomb Sat Apr 7 13h51m "; ) alert tcp /24 any -> /16 80 (msg: "Honeycomb Sat Apr 7 14h21m ";flags: PA+; flow: established; content: "GET/default.ida?XXXX XX XX (...) 00|CodeRedII|…";)
Controlled Environment Experiments Result : UDP Worms – SQL Slammer alert udp / > / (msg: "Honeycomb Sat Apr 7 14h51m "; content: "| (...)|Qh.dllhel32hkernQhounthickChGetT f| (…) D6 EB|"; )
Controlled Environment Experiments A comparison of the signature content and the worm payload sent to the honeypots shows that HoneyComb generates a good quality of signatures in controlled environment. HoneyComb able to detect the TCP and UDP worm efficiency.
Live Traffic Experiment
Generated Signatures : 18,288 signatures had been generated by HoneyComb. 9,473 signatures were containing flow content strings. HoneyComb able to generate the Slammer signatures precisely. No any Code Red II signature created since it reported died in October 2001
Live Traffic Experiment Generated Signatures : alert udp any any -> / (msg: "Honeycomb Sat Apr 7 14h51m "; content: "| DC C9 B0|B|EB 0E |p|AE|B|01|p|AE|B| |h|DC C9 B0|B|B |1|C9 B1 18|P|E2 FD|5| |P|89 E5|Qh.dllhel32hkernQhounthickChGetTf|B9|llQh32.dhws2_f|B9|etQhsockf| B9|toQhsend|BE AE|B|8D|E|D4|P|FF 16|P|8D|E|E0|P|8D|E|F0|P|FF 16|P|BE AE|B|8B 1E 8B 03|=U|8B EC|Qt|05 BE 1C 10 AE|B|FF 16 FF D0|1|C9|QQP|81 F B 81 F |Q|8D|E|CC|P|8B|E|C0|P|FF 16|j|11|j|02|j|02 FF D0|P|8D|E|C4|P|8B|E|C0|P|FF C6 09 DB 81 F3|<a|D9 FF 8B|E|B4 8D C1 E C2 C1 E2 08"; )
Live Traffic Experiment Generated Signatures : alert tcp any any -> /24 80,135,8080 (msg: "Honeycomb Thu Apr 19 05h28m "; flags: FRAU21!; flow: established; content of signature 908 : "CONNECT smtp.pchome.com.tw:25 HTTP/1.0|0D 0A 0D 0A|HTTP/ Bad Request|0D 0A|Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0|0D 0A|Date: Tue, 17 Apr :57:30 GMT|0D 0A|Content- Type: text/html|0D 0A|Content-Length: 87|0D 0A 0D 0A| Error The parameter is incorrect. CONNECT smtp.pchome.com.tw:25 HTTP/1.0|0D 0A 0D|"; )
Honeycomb Performance Benchmarking
Discussion HoneyComb v0.7 compiled with Honeyd v1.5b without error, but it provided a strange and useless result when running HoneyComb. The source code in hc_udp.c and hc_tcp.c had been modified and recompiled to fix this error.
Discussion -- Problem Unable to generate the signatures for the polymorphic worms. Honeycomb can be fooled by attackers, to generate signatures for legitimate traffic. Consuming a large amount of memory to perform the packets pattern matching. Lost the memory when the system restart, thus, the same signatures will be generated.
Conclusion Pattern matching worm detection mechanism of HoneyComb able to produce good quality signatures for worms. Signatures created by HoneyComb can be converted into a format suitable for both Snort and Bro NIDS.
Conclusion Honeypot offer an offensive approach to intrusion detection and prevention. HoneyComb suggest that automated signature creation on honeypot is feasible and effectiveness. This automated signature creation system is a first step towards integrating honeypots more closely into security infrastructure.
Future Works Working to reducing the effort spent per arriving packets by the HoneyComb. Solve the drawback on unable to generate signature for the polymorphic worms. Provide a better tool to analyze the signatures created. Implication IPv6 to existing HoneyComb architecture.
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