Colonial Period Native Americans, Explorers, Slaves
CA Content Standards Reading 3.5--Analyze recognized works of American literature -Trace the development of Amer. Lit. from the colonial period onward -Contrast the major periods, themes, styles, and trends -Evaluate the influences of the historical period that shaped the characters, plots, an settings
So, how do we meet this standard? Students Will: Learn the background information for each literary period Review the history of the time period Read literature from the major authors of each period
As you take notes, look for Social, political climate of U.S., including religious beliefs and immigration General characteristics of literature (writing style) Major writer and most important works Major ideas, subjects, themes Significance/application/definition of American Dream as seen in literature, in society, in daily lives Influence on today’s literature and society Changes in social, political, literary climate that led into next period
Native Americans No written literature Oral tradition—changes over time Songs, lyrics, legends, folk tales, myths Subjects: creation accounts, migration tales, wonders of nature, interconnectedness of nature to spirit world Style: poetic
Nat. Amer. Literature The Earth on Turtle’s Back—Onondaga When Grizzlies Walked Upright—Modoc The Navajo Origin Legend—Navajo The Iroquois Constitution—Iroquois
Explorers Journals, narrative Subjects: potential of land, bountiful and harsh wilderness
Explorers A Journey Through Texas—de Vaca Boulders Taller Than the Great Tower of Seville—de Cardenas Journal of the First Voyage to America– Christopher Columbus
Slaves Autobiography Subject: slavery, slave journey Style: vivid and horrifying
Slave literature The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano