Key Objectives Year 6 Numeracy
Multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100, and whole numbers by x 100 = = =804 x 10 = Explain the effect Place Value
Order a set of positive and negative integers
Place Value Order a mixed set of numbers with up to three decimal places
Place Value Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest integer 25.6 to the nearest integer to the nearest integer to the nearest integer to the nearest integer
Fractions Relate fractions to decimal and percentage equivalents ½ =1/5 = ¼ = 10/10 = ¾ = 1/10 = 1/3 = 2/3 =
Fractions Reduce a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling 5/106/8 16/2016/6415/27
Fractions Find fractions of numbers or quantities 5/8 of 32 7/10 of 40 2/3 of 693 1/100 of 400cm
Percentage Understand percentage as number of parts out of 100, and find percentages of quantities 7% of 32020% of % of 40083% of 286
Ratio and proportion Solve problems involving ratio and proportion Chocolates have a ratio of 3 milk to 2 plain (3:2) What proportion are milk? Plain? If there are 9 milk, how many are plain? If there 16 plain, how many are milk? If there are 50 chocolates how many are plain? How many chocolate?
Addition and Subtraction Carry out quick mental addition and subtraction = = 68 – 30 =9.4 – 6.3 = = = 407 – 193 =
Addition and Subtraction Carry out written calculations, including decimals =956 – 274 = =805 – 385 = =74.6 – 25.7 =
Know by heart, multiplication and corresponding division facts to 10 x 10 9 x 6 =54 6 = 3 x 7 =27 9 = 6 x 8 =72 8 = Multiplication and division
Multiply and divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit 27 x 5 =630 5 = 397 x 8 =964 2 = 7 x 309 =876 7 =
Multiplication and division Multiply and divide involving decimals 25 x 4.3 = = 356 x 2.6 = = 3 x 15.7 = =
Multiplication and division Multiply and divide two and three digit numbers 43 x 46 =65 x 354 = 730 x 65 = = = =
Measures, shape and space Use a protractor to measure angles to the nearest degree.
Measures, shape and space Calculate the perimeter and area of compound shapes that can be split into rectangles. 4cm 12cm 5cm 7cm
Measures, shape and space Find areas and volumes using formula 2cm 6cm 5cm 8cm 3cm
Measures, shape and space Read and plot co-ordinates in all four quadrants. B A
Problem solving Identify and use appropriate operations to solve word problems. Explain methods and reasoning. Check solutions by logic, approximation and inverses. A box of books weighs 64kg. If there are 25 books inside the box, what is the average weight of one book?
Data handling Solve problems by extracting and interpreting information from tables, graphs and charts. Approximately how much more money was raised in March than in April? Which class raised the most, and by how much was their total greater?
Algebra Use brackets appropriately Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables 23 x (4 + 9) = (6 x 13) – 26 = If n = 7, what is n + 12? If 4n = 88, what does n equal?