Diagnostic Tests Afshin Ostovar Bushehr University of Medical Sciences Bushehr, /7/20151
A normal individual is a person; Who has not been sufficiently examined 12/7/20152
Introduction It is necessary to distinguish between people in the population who have the disease and those who do not. clinical arena Public health arena How good is the test in separating populations of people with and without the disease in question? 12/7/20153
Biologic Variation of Human Populations 12/7/20154 Bimodal curve
12/7/20155 Unimodal curve
Validity of screening Tests Sensitivity: o the ability of the test to identify correctly those who have the disease. Specificity: o the ability of the test to identify correctly those who do not have the disease. 12/7/20156
Tests with Dichotomous Results 12/7/20157 Gold Standard
False Positive effects Burden on the health care system Labeling effect 12/7/20159
False Negative effects Deprivation from effective treatment It depends on: the nature and severity of the disease the effectiveness of available intervention measure Whether the effectiveness is greater if the intervention is administered early in the natural history of the disease 12/7/201510
Tests of Continuous Variables 12/7/ Sensitivity= 5/20 = 25% Specificity= 18/20 = 90%
Tests of Continuous Variables 12/7/ Sensitivity= 17/20 = 85% Specificity= 6/20 = 30%
Different cut-offs 12/7/201513
Multiple Tests Sequential (Two-stage) Testing Simultaneous (Parallel) Testing 12/7/201519
Sequential (Two-stage) Testing 12/7/201520
Test 1 Diabetes + _ Test Results + _ /7/201521
Prevalence = 5% Diabetes + _ Test Results + _ /7/201522
Sensitivity = 70% Diabetes + _ Test Results +350 _ /7/201523
Specificity = 80% Diabetes + _ Test Results _ /7/201524
Final Result of Test 1 Diabetes + _ Test Results _ /7/201525
Test 2 Diabetes + _ Test Results + _ /7/201526
Sensitivity= 90% Diabetes + _ Test Results +315 _ /7/201527
Specificity=90% Diabetes + _ Test Results _ /7/201528
Final Result of two Tests Diabetes + _ Test Results _ /7/ Net sensitivity = 315/500 = 63% Net Specificity = 9310/9600 = 98%
Simultaneous Testing 12/7/201530
Test A 12/7/201531
Test B 12/7/201532
Test A 12/7/201535
Test B 12/7/201536
Predictive Value Predictive Value Positive If the test results are positive in this patient, what is the probability that this patient has the disease. Predictive Value Negative If the test results are negative in this patient, what is the probability that this patient do not have the disease 12/7/201539
Predictive Value Positive 12/7/201540
The predictive value is affected by two factors: o the prevalence of the disease in the population tested o the specificity of the test being used, when the disease is infrequent. 12/7/201541
Relationship between Predictive Value and Disease Prevalence 12/7/201542
Relationship between Predictive Value and Disease Prevalence 12/7/201543
Relationship between Predictive Value and Disease Prevalence 12/7/201544
Relationship between Predictive Value and Specificity 12/7/201547
Relationship between Predictive Value and Specificity 12/7/201548
Relationship between Predictive Value and Specificity 12/7/201549
Relationship between Predictive Value and Specificity 12/7/201550