Alison Pamment CF Standard Names Status and Development Alison Pamment
Overview Current status of CF standard name table Process for agreeing standard names Development needs
Current Status Currently 1039 names in table Represents approx 30% increase in size of table over 12 months A further 40 proposed names are agreed and ~30 are currently under discussion
Standard Name Process (1) All proposals for new standard names must be made via the CF-Metadata mailing list There are published guidelines for the construction of standard names Proposals should include the unit and a definition
Standard Name Process (2) Discussion of proposals takes place on the mailing list and all may participate The aim is to achieve consensus The standard names manager acts as moderator and keeps the discussion moving forwards
Standard Name Process (3) Names for which consensus has been achieved are flagged as ‘accepted’ by the moderator Accepted names will go into the table at the next bimonthly update Accepted names can be used immediately – don’t have to wait for table update to take place
Standard Name Process (4) Where consensus cannot be reached by discussion the moderator will ask the standard names committee to vote on the proposed names The committee’s decision will be final All versions of the standard name table and guidelines will be kept online
Development Needs – the problem Many standard name proposals are pretty straightforward… BUT A minority of name proposals are controversial and raise more questions than they answer FOR EXAMPLE: For new name proposals how much weight should be given to current usage in communities beyond CF?
Development Needs – the problem Should we use human readable strings or opaque URIs that point to a definition? Should we put the definition in the file? Are standard names too long to be useful? We need a standard names ‘philosophy’
Standard Name Philosophy Are the names aimed primarily at the proposing community or to be easily understood by the whole CF community? Human readable names certainly shouldn’t be misleading CF standard names can never be all things to all people
Development Needs How do we express the relationship between CF standard names and external vocabularies? Currently we have GRIB and AMIP equivalences but they are out of date NDG vocabulary server Tickets … : ‘common_concept’
Common_concept The proposal is to allow a ‘bundling’ of CF metadata to include standard_name + other attributes, e.g, 2m temperature The ‘bundle’ could consist of a standard_name alone The bundle would have a scoped name and a URI that points to its definition Need a way of defining the constraints on a common_concept definition (#29) The URI could point to metadata not defined in CF (#27)
Common_concept Registration of a common_concept would be quick (automated) Another user could register a different scoped name for an existing common_concept but the URI would be identical Common_concept would facilitate: The creation of short names Translation between standard_names and other vocabs
Other Development Needs Instrument information – should it go in the standard name? Chemistry names (IUPAC?) Ticket 17: use cell_methods instead of ‘where’ names Ticket 33: ‘count over days’ for use with standard names for climate statistics
Summary Agreed rules for standard names proposals will be published on CF website We need to develop a clear standard names ‘philosophy’ The common_concept idea has received unanimous support in principle – there is much work to do on the practical implementation