Smog/Acid Rain Mid Term Review October 25-27, 2004
CAPMoN Staff: Dave MacTavish, Dave Ord, Richard Tanabe, Mike Miller, Nancy Lance, Hac Truong, Renata Braga, Cheryl Sue, Trang Huynh, Jason O’Brien and the many others in AQRB, Regions and Contractors (70+) that make the Network run. In support of Canadian commitments within the 1991 Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement’s Ozone annex and anticipated PM Annex CAPMoN intends to: 1) CAPMoN will continue the measurement of air and precipitation chemistry at 23 precipitation and 12 air filter sites in Canada and one precipitation site in the USA (including the Canadian NADP/CAPMoN Comparison Site, Frelighsburg (transboundary measurement site on Quebec/Vermont Border), the CASTNet/CAPMoN comparison measurements at Egbert, ON and the NADP/CAPMoN comparison measurements at the US site, Penn State PA). 2) In cooperation with the NAPS network continue to enhance CAPMoN's capacity to measure PM2.5 & PM10 at 5 non-urban sites. Those being 5 of the Branch’s designated Core sites (Saturna Island, Bratts Lake, Egbert, St-Anicet and Kejimkujik). 3) Enhance CAPMoN's ozone measurement capacity to allow for real time data acquisition at 8 additional sites. 4) Prepare for the implementation of continuous PM measurements at 5 Branch Core sites. 5) Continue nitrogen measurements at Kejimkujik and Egbert and implement nitrogen measurements at Saturna Island 6) Continue VOC measurements at Saturna Island and Bratts Lake in collaboration with NAPS/EPS 7) Maintain and staff a climate controlled weighing room in support of Branch integrated mass measurements. 8) Staff an EC/OC analytical chemist position to support CAPMoN’s carbon aerosol program and a limited number of Branch PM initiatives. 9) Provide local scientific and technical support at the CAPMoN/CORE sites identified for enhancement of transboundary transport monitoring capabilities, under the Ozone Annex program.
In support of the AQRB Acidifying Deposition program and Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-2000 CAPMoN intends to: 1) Continue the measurement of air and precipitation chemistry at 23 precipitation and 12 air filter sites in Canada and one precipitation site in the USA (including the Acid Rain Business Case sites at LG4, Lac Edouard, Sprucedale and Pickle Lake). 2) Continue Ammonia specific filter measurements at Egbert and Kejimkujik. 3) Continue to co-operate with the provincial government of Nova Scotia and the Government of the Northwest Territories to help maintain precipitation chemistry monitoring sites in those jurisdictions. 4) Continue the operation and maintenance of field measurement locations as a co- operative effort including ARQM staff and Environment Canada’s MSC Regional personnel. 5) Continue to maintain and operate a centralised laboratory located in Toronto to analyse the environmental samples from CAPMoN’s monitoring sites. 6) Transfer precipitation and air filter measurement data to the historical databases for temporal and spatial comparative analysis. 7) Continue efforts to upgrade its remote data acquisition and management. 8) Continue to support CNIP, HAA and sulphur isotope research initiatives by supplying samples and value added measurement data. 9) Collaborate with the USEPA/CASTNet on the use and characterization of ambient air sampling filter media.
1) CAPMoN will continue the measurement of air and precipitation chemistry at 23 precipitation and 12 air filter sites in Canada and one precipitation site in the USA including the Canadian NADP/CAPMoN Comparison Site, Frelighsburg (transboundary measurement site on Quebec/Vermont Border), the CASTNet/CAPMoN comparison measurements (Egbert, ON) and the NADP/CAPMoN comparison measurements at the US site (Penn State PA) as well as the Acid Rain Business Case Sites (LG4, Lac Edouard, Sprucedale and Pickle Lake).
2) In cooperation with the NAPS network continue to enhance CAPMoN's capacity to measure PM2.5 & PM10 at 5 non-urban sites. Those being 5 of the Branch’s designated Core sites (Saturna Island, Bratts Lake, Egbert, St-Anicet and Kejimkujik). 4 measurement sites implemented by CAPMoN Saturna Island Bratts Lake Egbert Kejimkujik 1 site being operated in collaboration with NAPS St. Anicet
PM2.5 & PM10 Mass PM2.5 Speciation PM2.5 & PM10 Mass PM2.5 Speciation PM2.5 & PM10 Mass PM2.5 Speciation PM2.5 & PM10 Mass PM2.5 Speciation (NAPS) PM2.5 & PM10 Mass (Sept. 2003) PM2.5 Speciation Particulate Matter Measurement Sites Particulate Measurements Site Map
3) Enhance CAPMoN's ozone measurement capacity to allow for real time data acquisition at 8 additional sites. All the equipment has been acquired and are being tested. \ No enhancements at Network sites have taken place to date
6) Continue VOC measurements at Saturna Island and Bratts Lake in collaboration with NAPS/EPS Saturna Island and Bratts Lake Core sites VOCs and aldehydes samples are collected on a I in 6 day schedule in the spring, winter and fall and a 1 in 3 day schedule in the summer (mid- May to Mid September).
Collaborate with the USEPA/CASTNet on the use and characterization of ambient air sampling filter media. US EPA/Clean Air Markets Division Assessment and Communications Branch Washington, DC Atmospheric Deposition Unit, USDA-Forest Service, Riverside, CA
Kejimkujik NO NO 2 NOy PAN NH 3 5) Continue nitrogen measurements at Kejimkujik and Egbert and implement nitrogen measurements at Saturna Island Egbert NO NO 2 NOy PAN NH 3 Saturna Island NO NO 2 NOy NH 3 July 2004
NOc=NO + converted NO2