Seite 1 eHealth in Tanzania: It’s implementation & relevance to TGPSH Management Team Meeting 21/06/2011 By Vida Mwasalla HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 2 Page 2 Presentation outline Introduction of the plan Approach Design principles Tentative costs Our involvement/contribution Food for thought? HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 3 Page 3 Introduction The strategy Lays a foundation for best possible use of ICT resources in the Health and Social Welfare sector Is aligned with the objectives of HSSP III, facilitates achievement of the HSSP III goals Implementation plan builds a platform for people and technology to complement and advance together based on 12 programme areas HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 4 Page 4 Approach I mplementation begins with addressing the following main priorities: Availability of reliable health data and use of data Addressing the scarcity of health and social welfare staff through HR management and ICT-based training Strengthening preventive health and social welfare services as well as patient and community empowerment HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 5 Page 5 Approach (contd.) The 12 programme areas HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 6 Page 6 Principles of design Empowering local health care personnel and improving health care processes Harmonization of ICT applications through defined standards and interoperability Coordination of services preferably organised through the network of service providers and users Avoid “starting from scratch” seek to build upon existing local initiatives Implementation will be initiated and implemented locally HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 7 Page 7 Tentative cost estimates Health expenditure is $ 11 per capita, 55% paid directly by citizen Vulnerable groups exempted by law, not easy enforced in practice Implementation will cost US $ 0.5 per capita and gradually increase to about US $ 1 per capita (~ 2.4% of the projected costs of HSSP III FY 12/13) The indicative cost based for a district USD 30,150 per year over 4 years HEALTH and HIV/AIDS
Seite 8 Page 8 Our involvement/contribution Aspect/ObjectiveComponent responsible & actions IndicatorsMeans of verification Development of e- Learning capacity for training institutions(pre service, in service) with support of ZHRTCs CD & HR Develop elearning & tutoring capacity, collect & adapt elearning courses, develop ementoring & rollout Pre-service training capacity boosted by 30% Reports, Certificates Development of an HRH sector portal CD & HR Participatory design portal, development & maintenance, continuous generation/collection of relevant contents 10,000 visitors/mthWebstatistics Health system strengthening-Central level support DSHS with SRHRReduction on communication time and costs Enforced protocols Review study
Seite 9 Page 9 Our involvement/contribution (contd.) Aspect/ObjectiveComponent responsible & actions IndicatorsMeans of verification Mobilization of adequate and sustainable financial resources Hfin Link patient information to health insurance schemes, Install HMIS or mobile/PDA, arrange network of accredited suppliers and adequate electronic ordering procedures, assure safe financial transactions % change of financial resources National and Improved logistics for medical supplies # of suppliers, reports on supply shortages and complaints on financial contributions MTUHA reports, nat. stats and audit reports Generation of health data in improving health care management DSHS & SRHR Set up of regional/district teams, rollout at hospital level, roll out at dispensary and health care level % increase of health facilities with HMIS Reports
Seite 10 Page 10 Food for thought What can we do differently to achieve the defined goals, make it sustainable within our resource strained environment?