Integrated Operation Scenarios ITPA Remaining duties ITPA CC meeting & IEA/ITPA JE planning meeting –12 – 14 (15) December 2011, Cadarache –Ide, Sips and Luce –Present annual summary of the group, summary of JE2011 and proposal of JE2012 in one presentation (1H including discussion). => Ide Joint Experiment (JE) –I have to end summary and proposal (Word doc) by 14 th Nov. to CC. –Spokes persons should send them before 7 th Nov. to ME (cc Sips, Luce). –I need ppt files from each JE for the JE planning meeting. –Spokes persons should send them before 14 th Nov. to ME (cc Sips, Luce). 2-3 pages and should contain figure(s) to appeal results 2011 effectively.
S. Ide, 2 IOS-1.2: Study seeding effects on ITER demonstration discharges Contributors: A. Kallenbach (AUG), T. Petrie (DIII-D), J. Rapp/G. Maddison (JET), M.Reinke/S.Wolfe (C-Mod) Objective: development of ITER demonstration discharges with integrated impurity seeding. Due to technical constraints and difficulties, seeded scenarios and ITER demonstration discharges (IOS-1.1) are developed in parallel, to be combined in the future. The combination of low q95, and high is in particular challenging for high-Z devices. Sufficient central heating and ELM control are essential.. Result 2010: First exps. in 2009/10 collected on seeding in AUG, JET {see fig. next page}, C-mod, and seeding + RMP in DIII-D partly reported on PSI conf. (Review talk by A. Kallenbach, J. Nucl.Mat. in press) Plan 2011: AUG: Seeding combined with RMP ELM control, increase triangularity C-Mod: N 2, Neon / Argon seeding (EDA and ELMy ITER shape). DIIID: Radiative divertor studies in with RMP for ELM control. JET: Operation with ILW+seeding start in 2011, IOS-1.2 scheduled in 2012 Status: continue
S. Ide, 3 NeN G. Maddison, PSI 2010, O-23 JET: Gas and seeding scans to optimize H98 and power load Confinement degradation with increased seeding level in JET in line with C-Mod but in contrast to AUG (even improvement of H98 with N 2 level) Further studies required for better understanding
S. Ide, 4 IOS-2.2: Ramp-down from q 95 =3 Contributors: G. Sips (JET), S. Wolfe (C-Mod), G. Jackson (DIII-D), J. Schweinzer (AUG) Objective: Demonstrate ramp-down from an ITER base-line plasma (q 95 =3), from both H- and L-mode. Demonstration how to stay within (k, l i, q 95 ) stability envelope of ITER. Develop shape control (kappa reduction), document merits/demerits of staying in H mode or L mode ( heating requirements). Status: close Result 2010: DIII-D, AUG and JET, have completed the experiments, while in C-Mod the last set is planned for late Results show that a strong kappa reduction controls l i (3) excursion and/or maintaining H-mode keeps l i (3) in ITER operational range. AUG and JET results were presented at the IAEA This JE is completed, summary publication may be prepared in 2011.
S. Ide, 5 - ICRH Coupling improvement with gas injection is found on JET, DIIID & AUG - Strong gas injection leads to large increase of the loading at the expense of degradation of the confinement - Specific effect on near-antenna gas puff clearly seen on AUG and on early JET experiments, but weaker effect with new JET plasma configuration Connected to Ant.4 Connected to Ant.1 Gas AUG IOS 5.2: Maintaining ICRH Coupling in expected ITER regime Contributors: M.L.Mayoral (JET), V.Bobkov (AUG), S. Wukitch (C- Mod), R. Pinsker (DIII-D), J.Hosea (NSTX), M. Goniche & L.Colas (TS), J.G.Kwak (KSTAR), S. Moriyama (JT-60U) Objective: Improve ICRH coupling by gas injection near antenna Result 2010: Results on JET, DIIID, AUG & TS have been summarized in IAEA paper (M.L.Mayoral & al.) Status: continue
S. Ide, 6 IOS 5.2: Maintaining ICRH Coupling in expected ITER regime - Plans JET: Not 2011 priority. AUG: Investigate role of near fields Tore Supra: Conduct experiment at higher density and use new poloidally distributed connected valve and new edge reflectometer DIII-D: New poloidally distributed puffing location adjacent to the 285/300 FW antenna Improve reliability of reflectometer near 285/300 FW antenna Analysis using TOPICA continues (data of campaign) C-Mod: Measurement with new SOL reflectometer of local density profile as a function of RF power, target density, local gas puffing..... NSTX: Investigation of the upper limit of edge density for ITER KSTAR: Experiment with new gas puff near ICRF antenna