Organic Compound Notes
What is a compound? A substance made of two or more elements chemically combined in a set ratio.
What is an element? A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means.
What is an element symbol? One or two letter symbols identify most elements. Example: H is for Hydrogen, O is for Oxygen, Ne for Neon
Writing chemical formula The first letter of the chemical symbol will be a capital letter Example: Carbon – C, Sulfur – S, Nitrogen – N The second letter of the chemical symbol will be a lower case Example: Calcium – Ca, Sodium – Na, Helium – He
Counting elements in the compound Count the number of capital letters in the compound to identify how many elements are there in the compound. Example: NaCl (salt) is made up of how many elements? 2 elements (Na, Cl)
Let’s practice How many elements in the following compound? C2 H3 N C56 H58 Cl14 Cu N16 S4 NaCl H2O CO2
Use Textbook 34-35 to identify the element of the following element symbol B 9. Li H 10. Ca C 11. Na O 12. Cu P 13. Cl N 14. Cr S 15. Cs Al
Compound Inorganic Organic
What is an organic compound? All organic compounds contain the element carbon (C) AND contain other elements such as hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S). Example: CH , CH OH 5th and 6th 7th period stopped 3 3
Elements that starts with C, but are not Carbon Cl -- Chlorine Co – Cobalt Ca – Calcium Cu – Copper Cr -- Chromium 3rd period stopped
Is there a difference between the 2 substances? CO Co 2nd period stopped Yes. CO is a compound made up of Carbon and Oxygen Co is an element Cobalt
What is an inorganic compound? All compounds that do NOT contain the element carbon. Example: H O, CaCl 2
Identify as Organic or Inorganic Compound C3H5NO NaCl CuO2 CH3OH C3H7NO2 CaCl BeCl2 CdF2 C7H5NOS C6H5Br
Post Assessment 7.6A and 7.10C Take out a sheet of paper and write your name, date, period and title “Post Test 7.6A, 7.10C” Answer the questions in capital letters please. DO NOT MARK ON THE TEST CHAMP for independent work Bring your Post test when finished to the front quietly please. Work on something quietly.
Organic vs. Inorganic Compound Organic Inorganic Name: _________ Date: ____________ Period: _________ Organic vs. Inorganic Compound Organic Inorganic Acetaminophen Ammonia C8H9NO2 NH3 Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Nitrogen, Hydrogen Oxygen