GOOD MORNING! “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway 3/4/14 Please take out your tan packet and your neon green paper rubric Learning target: Apply the language from the SRP rubric to evaluate a sample paper.
Agenda3/3/14 Sample Paper Analysis Homework: Nothing officially due this week! Just remember your complete first draft (including word count and works cited) is due Monday, March 10 th, at the beginning of class!
Sample Paper Reading Assignment Read the paper, and review my comments in the code box. When you get to the “What’s Wrong Here?” comments, use the rubric to evaluate the section, and write your answers to the 7 questions on a piece of notebook paper. When you finish the entire paper, score the paper according to the rubric. Write your scores for each section on your notebook paper. Use language from the rubric to justify your answers. Finish reading and answering the questions by ______
Example Excellent Paper Read through (please don’t write on this paper!) and be prepared to share response at __________