Knowledge Construction and Integration Theory/Model of Reading EDC565 Group Presentations - Julie Coiro
Principles of Knowledge Construction & Integration Model (C-I Model) of Reading Kintsch & Van Dijk (1978) original theorists A. Decoding: perceiving text from a page into propositions (or idea units) B. Comprehension: Recalling propositions from a text base (microstructure - connected idea units PLUS macrostructure - the gist) C. Comprehension: Actively generating a situation model (connecting prior knowledge / experiences to the textbase for a certain purpose) Reading is…actively constructing a situation model that will be remembered and can be used effectively for a certain purpose (A+B+C = C-I Model)
Aligning C-I Models of Reading With Historical Eras Best fits in Information Processing Era ( ) Rooted in cognitive psychology and processes of the human mind Key role of prior knowledge (PK) and its influence on text-based learning Links between PK, comprehension, memory & strategic processing Hints toward considering contextual influences (specific purposes for reading) and reader’s motivation (active engagement)
Conditions that prompted C-I Models of Reading Limitations of behavioristic approaches that suggest passive drill (vs. active construction) Era of cognitive psychology and uncovering the complex hidden processes of higher-level reading comprehension (beyond decoding) Funding for basic research (vs. applied research) Focus on adult expert-models of fluency meaning making to know what goal state we want to achieve with beginning readers
Leading Researchers of C-I Research in Reading Walter Kintsch, Eileen Kintsch, and Teun van Dijk (Dutch linguist) Danielle McNamara: cognitive science and prompting comprehension expertise with computer simulations Art Graesser: higher level reading comprehension Thomas Landauer: Latent Semantic Analysis (computer approximates human judgment about knowledge representation - writing)
How does a C-I model inform research in reading? Research Questions Examine learner factors (BK, motivation, strategy use) and text factors (lack of coherence) Methodologies Measure active inferencing and linking with personal knowledge Instructional Recommendations: How to motivate readers to actively struggle with hard text? How to help students “fill gaps” to construct coherent textbase and “make connections” to construction coherent situation model
Visual of C-I Model I will draw my visual on paper and have copies prepared for class.