Chapter 1 How do I know God is present in my life? God created us to know him Divine Revelation- God takes the initiative, reaches out to us and makes himself known.
God revelead his great love to humanity through: Abraham and Sarah, freeing the Israelites (Chosen People) from slavery. Revealed how they were to live through The Ten Commandments Jesus fulfilled God's plan for humanity
Salvation- the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of humanity's friendship with God. Jesus died for all humanity and offers salvation. God reaches out to us through Divine Revelation and fully reveals who he is in the words and deeds of Jesus.
Faith- the gift from God that enables us to believe in God, to accept all that he has revealed, and to respond with love for God and others. -without faith, we would live in a world of uncertainty. God invites us to live by faith.
We are Jesus' disciples in the world today. How can we follow Jesus? Church- is the community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, have been baptized by him, and follow his teachings. We accept the gift of faith at Baptism