HTML Tags Multimedia Definitions Information from the Computer Internet Project Information from the Digital Camera Assignment Information from the Animation Assignment Adobe Photoshop Dreamweaver Adobe Imageready
Computer Definition Binary – 1, 0 ◦ 1024 ◦ Kilobyte ◦ Megabyte ◦ gigabyte Internet Parts to go online Internet terms Browser parts Netiquette Copyright – can’t use it unless you have permission Plagiarism - taking credit for someone else's work.. Homework assignment example. You did not do this, but your friend did. You took his name off the paper and added yours. Plagiarism..
Definition- Animation: Brings a picture to life. An Animated Gif contains 2 or more frames that are played back in sequence by an Internet Browser or other programs capable of displaying animated GIF’s.
Definition Specs to look for in a digital camera Why should someone buy a digital camera –details. Pixel Jpeg Gif Resolution LCD CCD Optical Zoom White Balance Memory Devices Downloading Ways to download How it can be used in the classroom.
Adobe PhotoShop is an image editing program that lets you manipulate graphic images. Using a series of palettes and tools you can transform an image by rotating or changing its size, or you can use multiple layers to alter its appearance
HTML Editor Know how: ◦ Create an html document ◦ Add images, tables, hr, links, etc.
Duplicate frame Duplicate layer Eyeball off the previous layer
Type and Edit HTML Tags Develop a web site using Dreamweaver Create a jpeg or gif image in Photoshop Create a simple animated gif in Imageready Create Navigation on a web page Insert images on a web page