Goals of Clergy Mentoring Mentor Responsibilities Developing Effectiveness
Candidacy is… Assigned to: Candidates Local Pastors, while in Course of Study Provisional Members Candidacy Mentors – ¶ 349.1a Clergy Mentors – ¶ 349.1b The Discipline
Goals of Clergy Mentoring LP or PM Reflect on practice of ministry Understand process Identify strengths and needs for development Respond faithfully to God’s call Annual Conference Provide trusting environment to support reflection and growth Offer resources for ongoing formation COS and PM process Approve continuing license and full membership
Relationships The heart of provisional membership and local pastor ministry is in the deepening relationship with God and in the personal relationships that are established early in ministry. The most important of these relationships will probably be with the clergy mentor.
Clergy Formation Mentoring Supervision Assessment Appointment
The Clergy Mentor What is NOT the role of the clergy mentor?
The Clergy Mentor Consultant Co-discerner Catalyst All conversations and information are confidential.
Mentor Responsibilities Establish covenant and regular meeting schedule. Pray for those who are mentored. Clergy Mentoring Manual provides content and structure for meetings. Establish and maintain confidentiality. Onsite visit – once/year Focus on issues of role, authority, and office. Reflect theologically on practice of ministry. Encourage the clergy to reflect on their growth in discernment of vocation.
Local Pastor Mentor Become familiar with Course of Study and Extension School and the educational materials used. Discuss Course of Study work and consult on matters of pastoral responsibility. Discuss specific assignments from Course of Study instructors. Offer feedback about coursework. Know resources, contact persons, and procedures relevant to continuation as a Local Pastor – including any dCOM deadlines or process requirements. Write annual mentor reports for the dCOM.
Provisional Member Mentor Learn about the Residency in Ministry (RIM) program and materials used for RIM. Know the resources, contact persons, and procedures relevant to the provisional process – including any BOM deadlines related to the application process and interviews. Write annual mentor reports to the BOM.
Foundational Elements Covenant Spiritual Formation Servant Leadership
Competency, Readiness, and Effectiveness Developing effectiveness in ministry Potential already assessed during candidacy. Provisional members and local pastors are assessed on developing effectiveness in licensed or ordained ministry.
Web pages BOM Handbook Chapter 13 – Licensed Ministry Chapter 14 – Provisional Membership Chapter 17 – Clergy Mentoring Chapter 18 – Licensing and Course of Study BOM Webpage BOM/dCOM training resources Candidacy and Conference Relations Forms Glossary of Candidacy Terms Handbook on Ministry Interpretation “Red Book” Ministry of Brochures
Next Steps Lunch RIM Process (Provisional Members) Course of Study (Local Pastors)
For more information: Rev. Meg Lassiat Director of Candidacy, Mentoring, and Conference Relations