MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project EN/MEF roles & responsibilities EN/MEF group meeting October J.Coupard1
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Content Who am I ? Linac4 project overview Roles & Responsibilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities in the Linac4 project J.Coupard2
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Who am I ? First name Julie Surname Coupard Nationality French Home Annecy, FR CERN since 2007 EN/MEF LPC – Planning and Coordination [K.Foraz] Section projects LHC, Linac4, HiRadMat, building 867, CLIC, AET Main role Coordination of Linac4 installation Officer Planning of collimation upgrade in LHC Other EN/MEF-LPC webmaster Contact Office C21 / J.Coupard3
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview GOAL The goal of the Linac4 project is to build a 160 MeV H − linear accelerator replacing Linac2 as injector to the PS Booster (PSB) and to modify the PSB injection for the Linac4 beam. The beam brightness out of the PSB is expected to increase by a factor of J.Coupard4
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview LOCATION J.Coupard5 Linac4 Rest.2
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview INFRASCTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION J.Coupard6 ~ 26m ~ 10m ~ 103m ~ 12m ~ 50m
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION Linac4 is composed of an ion source, a Front-end (Radio Frequency Quadrupole and a chopper line), an Alvarez Drift Tube Linac (DTL), a Cell-Coupled Drift Tube Linac (CCDTL) and a Pi-mode structure (PIMS), for an overall length of 86 metres. A 70 m long transfer line joins the present Linac2 to PSB line. The RF accelerating structures will operate at MHz frequency, re-using some RF equipment from LEP (klystrons, circulators and waveguides) and taking advantage of existing RFQ technology. Charge exchange injection will be implemented in the PSB, together with the modifications required in the PSB injection line to cope with the higher injection energy J.Coupard7
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION H - Source - « LEBT » Low Energy Beam Transfer J.Coupard8 Output : 45 keV
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION « RFQ » Radio Frequency Quadrupole – Chopper line « MEBT » Medium Energy Beam Transfer J.Coupard9 Output : 3 MeV Input : 45 keV E x 67
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION « DTL » Drift Tube Linac J.Coupard10 Output : 50 MeV Input : 3 MeV E x 17
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION « CCDTL » Cell-Coupled Drift Tube Linac J.Coupard11 Output : MeV Input : 50 MeV E x 2
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview MACHINE DESCRIPTION « PIMS » Pi-mode Structure J.Coupard12 Output : 160 MeV Input : MeV E x 1.5
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview COLLABORATIONS J.Coupard13
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview Installation of the Linac4 line is followed by : +Installation of the new part of transfer line From Linac4 line to the existing BHZ20 +Minor modifications of LTP-LTB lines From the BHZ20 to the measure lines +Modification/upgrade of the PS Booster J.Coupard14
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview PROJECT SCHEDULE J.Coupard15
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview PROJECT ORGANIZATION J.Coupard16 S.Weisz DG/PRJ
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities Linac4 project overview PROJECT ORGANIZATION Coordination teams J.Coupard17 EN/MEF-LPC J.Coupard EN/MEF-ABA N.Gilbert BE/ABP-HSL R.Scrivens Linac4 LTB PS Booster Linac2LTP
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities J.Coupard18 ABA LE DC INT SI LPC
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities DC – Database Configuration [Samy Chemli] INT – Integration [Yvon Muttoni] LPC – Planning and Coordination [Katy Foraz] ABA – Accelerators Beam lines & Areas [Vinod Chohan] J.Coupard19
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities DC – Database Configuration [Samy Chemli] Sonia Bartolome Jimenez (in collaboration with Pascal Le Roux BE/CO) The Linac4 Reference Database will be designed to store all data pertaining to the Linac4, its components, their layout, their manufacturing (under the responsibility of the equipment groups) and their installation (in compliance with INB requirements) as a large unified tool J.Coupard20
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities INT – Integration [Yvon Muttoni] J.Coupard21 Jean-Pierre Corso Integration studies for the tunnel, the service areas and the pits. Study the installation of the most intricate zone, to ensure that the components, the services (cable trays, ducts, transport…) do not interfere with each other. Provide and keep-up to date the integration and layout drawings for installation
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities LPC – Planning and Coordination [Katy Foraz] ABA – Accelerators Beam lines & Areas [Vinod Chohan] Nicolas Gilbert Coordination of the PS Booster modification/upgrade for connection of Linac J.Coupard22 Julie Coupard Mandate study of the short, mid and long-term installation scenarios and related logistics. Coordination of the installation. Follow-up the progress of installation. Coordination of Linac4 installation officer.
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities EN/MEF sections Roles & Responsibilities Also many involved J.Coupard23 Serge Grillot EN/MEF-LPC Main contact for the coordination on site. He is TSO of all the non-technical locations Gerard Pastor / Patrick Vincent EN/MEF-LPC Gerard is the deputy TSO « Chargés de travaux » to ensure the electrical safety Jean-Michel Lacroix EN/MEF-INT Etudes d’intégration du complexe PS (modification de la ligne de transfert et du PS Booster) Vinod Chohan EN/MEF-ABA Collaboration with India
MEF - Machines & Experimental Facilities THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Julie Coupard – LPC team J.Coupard24