By : Shawleace Hill Bio Project
Queen Latifah
Personal Info Queen Latifah was born on March 18 th She was born In Newark New Jersey. She was also the 1 st female stars of Hip Hop. Hip-hop's first lady (though some would attribute that to Roxanne Shanté the woman behind the moniker is Dana Owens, who was born on March 18th, 1970, in East Orange, New Jersey. She came from a police family--both her father and older brother were cops, which would later influence her rhyming style and life philosophy. Owens witnessed both sides of Black urban life in the USA while growing up. After a brief stint as a Burger King employee, she soon found herself making waves in the hip-hop music scene
Accomplishments She was a rapper, record producer, and an actress. She won a lot of Grammys and made albums stared in shows and made movies. She got over her brothers death and moved on with her life.
Challenges and Obstacles Her brother died. She was taught from a young age that many people would treat her as a second citizen because she was African American and because she was female.
Interesting facts She stared in a movie with Dolly Parton called Joyful Noise. Her real name is Dana Elaine Owen. She is the Grammy winning American rapper/singer.
All about me August 24 th 1999 Newark New Jersey Hot pink, green,orange,blue,red,yellow Favorite show- The Game I have 2 sisters 2 brothers I'm 12 years old