Pasta History Types How to pick pasta How to cook pasta
History Who ate pasta first??? - The Chinese ~5,000 b.c.e. No record of pasta in Italy until 400 b.c.e. *records show pasta eaten dry Gained popularity ~ 12th century in Italy The Italians did not have pasta as a daily diet until the 17th century. This was because Italy was in poor economic times, and pasta was inexpensive to make, kneading machines & press introduced, and provides easily attainable & sustainable food.
History…continued… Popularity in U.S. Not until 1920’s Why??? A large group of Italian immigrants came from southern Italy Today On average in the U.S…. Eaten ~40 times a year for dinner
Types of Pasta “Pasta” comes from the Italian word for “paste” There are more than 600 varieties of pastas (p. 386-387) Common flavors: spinach, tomato Exotic flavors: beet, lemon, herb, hot chili, chocolate, fruit
Types Three types of pasta… Noodles - flat, various lengths ie. Fettuccini, lasagna, egg noodles Macaroni - hollow tube and various shapes ie. Penne, mostaciolli, Spaghetti - rod shaped
How Pasta is Made Type of flour a. All-purpose flour makes pasta smooth, elastic, and easy to handle, but hard to shape b. Semolina flour is high in gluten, which makes for excellent pasta that holds its shape, is drier and more stiff. True Italian cooks use this!
How to Cook Pasta Use about one quart (4 cups) of water for every 4 oz of pasta Make sure that the water is at a rolling boil 212 degrees F. before adding dry pasta Cook uncovered to prevent boil overs No rinsing unless a cold pasta dish is made
How to Cook Doneness Tests -“al dente” to the tooth – taste a piece - Timing – varies with each pasta type - Doubles in size (overcooked pasta is mushy and watery)
Information Sheet Nutrition Carbohydrates B Vitamins Iron quick energy healthy nervous and digestive system Iron transportation of oxygen
Information Sheet Nutrition continued… Pasta is in the grain group A person needs 6-11 servings of this group A serving of pasta is about 2 ounces of dry pasta, or about 1 cup of cooked pasta An average restaurant serving size is about 5-6 servings
Storage Storage Cooked pasta Dry pasta Airtight container/plastic bag in refrigerator up to 5 days or in freezer for 2 months Store sauce and pasta separately Dry pasta Store away from light Airtight container, away from moisture