Calderglen High School
Calderglen High School 1 Are metals finite or infinite resources? answer finite
Calderglen High School gold, silver, copper answer 2 Name a metal found uncombined in the Earth’s crust
Calderglen High School Give a property of metals Conduct electricity Conduct heat Strong Malleable Ductile answer 3
Calderglen High School Give the family name for Group 1 metals? Alkali metals answer 4 Na K Li Cs
Calderglen High School What is produced when a metal reacts with oxygen ? Metal oxide answer 5
Calderglen High School Give an example of a metal obtained from its ore by electrolysis Mg, Al, Na, K, Li answer 6
Calderglen High School Name the products of the reaction between sodium and water answer 7 sodium hydroxide and hydrogen K2SK2S
Calderglen High School Where are the metals found in the Periodic Table? answer 8 To the LEFT hand side of the step
Calderglen High School Name the products of the reaction between zinc and dilute sulphuric acid zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas answer 9
Calderglen High School What is an alloy? Mixture of metals or metals with non-metals answer 10
Calderglen High School Name a metal which does NOT react with dilute acid silvercoppergold answer 11
Calderglen High School Identify the two alloys brass, iron, copper, steel brasssteel brass and steel answer 12
Calderglen High School Calculate the percentage mass of potassium in potassium sulphide K 2 S 1 mol of K 2 S = (2 x 39) + 32 = 110 Total mass of K in K 2 S = (2 X 39) = 78 % mass = 78 x 100 = 71% 110 answer 13