CALPADS Reporting & Certification CALPADS STATE REPORTING-FALL 2 Course Enrollment/ Staff Assignments/ English Learner (EL) Services CALPADS Reporting & Certification 888-426-6840 / PC 535-3039 Welcome to the Fall 2 Reporting and Certification training. In this training, we will cover the process for Fall 2 reporting and certification. Notes to Presenter: Open Valid Code Combinations and Error Chart for demo Open Browser for demo: Username: CSIS.Training PW: Calpads2$ Share out survey… (SHARE>WEB CONTENT>
Introductions and Ground Rules Mute phones while listening Do not place your phone on HOLD Silence cell phones Hold questions until Q&A periods My name is <CSIS presenter name, agency, and title>. Also co-conducting this session with me is: [Let them introduce themselves] Here are the ground rules for this WebEx training session: During this training session, please keep in mind that extraneous noise, such as shuffling paper or side conversations carries over the speaker phone, so put your phone on mute if necessary. However, please DO NOT put your phone on HOLD as many phone systems carry background music, which is very disruptive. If necessary, hang up and then call back in, rather than use HOLD. We recommend that you silence your cell phones as well. Feel free to ask questions as we go through the slides, but we ask that you identify yourself and your LEA so that we know who is speaking. You can also post questions in the chat box. 2 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 2
PREREQUISITE AND AUDIENCE Course Description PREREQUISITE AND AUDIENCE Target Audience ….. LEA Program and Data Management Staff Responsible for submitting Course and Staff data to CALPADS LEA System Administrator(s) Prerequisites ….. Essential 1- 4 – Complete CALPADS Training series Hands-on Experience submitting and verifying SSID Enrollment and Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Here is the target audience for this training (casually cover the bullets). As a prerequisite, it is expected that you have participated in the 4 Essential CALPADS trainings that were offered last year and that you have been submitting data to CALPADS. Hopefully, you have also attended the Fall 2 Data Population training as well. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Participants will understand ….. Participants will be able to ….. Course Description COURSE OBJECTIVES Participants will understand ….. What data is expected Participants will be able to ….. Enter and maintain staff data Enter and maintain course data Understand certification process and reports Understand key certification errors The objectives for this training are (casually cover the bullets). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Contents Introduction to Fall 2 Data Submission Data Certification This module includes the following: Introduction to Fall 2 Data Submission Student Staff Course Data Certification Wrap-Up In this training we will be covering the following topics (casually cover the bullets). Some of the slides are hidden in the powerpoint we are presenting today. We will be covering the content of the slides in the demonstration and will note those as we go through the training. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
English Learner (EL) Services INTRODUCTION to FALL 2 Course Enrollment Staff Assignments English Learner (EL) Services So let’s begin with the introduction to Fall 2 reporting. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data used to identify English Learners Introduction to Fall 2 DATA COLLECTED Student Profile Student Enrollment Student Information Student Programs Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Course Section Student Course Section Data used to identify English Learners These are the data files that you will be submitting, either online or via batch, for Fall 2: The Fall 1 Student Profile Data is the same data that you have been reporting for Fall 1: Student Enrollment, Student Information, and Student Programs. The Student Enrollment data is used to determine which students were enrolled for Fall 2. The Student Information data is used to identify the English Learners. This is a key component of Fall 2. Student Program Data is used as filters on reports to enable views of the data by the accountability subgroups that are certified in Fall 1, such as eligible immigrants, migrant, LEP, etc.. Fall 2 also collects Staff Demographics, Staff Assignments, Course Section, and Student Course Section data. It is important to note that Fall 2 does NOT use the Fall 1 snapshot. However, it collects the same Student Profile data from the ODS. Therefore both Fall 1 and Fall 2 use the same pool of students. The relationships between each of these data groups is depicted in this graphic. During this training we will build on an understanding of how each of these data groups works together to produce the information needed from the collected data (explain the chart). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Fall 2 represents a point in time count of …. Introduction to Fall 2 KEY POINTS Fall 2 represents a point in time count of …. Students enrolled in classes on Census Day Course sections occurring on Census Day Exceptions Tracked schools that are not in session on Census Day -Course sections that begin no later than 30 calendar days after Census Day (reporting only for students enrolled on Census Day) A/B Schedules - Report both A and B, not just courses in session on Census Day Staff who are employed as of Census Day Exception: Staff who are employed within 30 days after Census Day - for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day 1) Fall 2 is a “point in time” count. It collects: the students who were enrolled on Census Day, the courses occurring -- and the staff working -- on Census Day. For most LEAs this is the complete definition of the data collected. However, there are LEAs that have multiple track schools. This type of school could have one or more of its tracks off-track (off-session) on Census Day. Therefore, some of its students who were enrolled on Census Day, have no courses occurring on Census Day. In this case, Fall 2 expects to collect for these student the courses they are taking on the first day that their track re-starts. It is assumed that the track will be back in session within 30 calendar days after Census Day. NOTE: Intercession course should not be submitted The Staff Data for Fall 2 is also supposed to represent Census Day. But in the case of off-track courses, a staff member teaching or supporting a re-started track course may not have been employed on Census Day. For this reason, Fall 2 has established a 30 day window that will be used to validate staff employment for these schools. If you have an A/B schedule, submit all of the courses that are offered, not just those in session on census day. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Introduction to Fall 2 KEY POINTS Fall 2 counts course and staff data for the same group of students expected for Fall 1 There is a separate Certification for Fall 2 Student enrollment differences may occur between Fall 1 and Fall 2 Here are the Key Points that we just covered: Fall 2 basically counts course and staff data for Fall 1 students. Fall 2 is a separate Data Collection and a separate Certification. It does do not have to be certified at the same time as Fall 1. Therefore, there may be differences if student enrollments are added after certifying either Fall 1 or Fall 2. Recommendation: Concentrate on Student data first. Then add Staff and Course. The course reports may help identify problems in student data that can be corrected to improve your Fall 1 data. Then certify Fall 1 first followed by Fall 2 – as close together as is reasonable. If there are discrepancies between Fall 1 and Fall 2 due to changes and/or updates made to data between certifying the two, decertification of Fall 1 is optional. However, if there are major discrepancies, they should be resolved. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
MAIN CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION Introduction to Fall 2 MAIN CATEGORIES OF INFORMATION English Learner Services Student Count Count of Teachers Providing EL Services Class Size By Content Area Course Section Enrollment NCLB HQT Compliance Staff Count and FTE The main categories of information that will be generated from the Fall 2 data are: Staff Count and FTE Average Class Size Data on English Learner Services Data on compliance with the Qualified Teacher requirements of No Child Left Behind legislation Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DATA SUBMISSION (ODS) Student Data Now we will cover submitting student data. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission - Student STUDENTS INCLUDED IN FALL 2 K-12 students (i.e. grade levels: KN, 01-12, UE, and US) Open enrollment on Census Day Enrollment Status Primary Secondary Short Term 1 Fall 2 applies to students in K-12, including UE and US. Currently there are no edits for Fall 2 that will ensure students submitted for Fall 1 are included in Fall 2 Both Snapshots collect Census Day enrollments from the ODS which should result in the same students being in both reports. The course data will apply to students with these enrollment statuses: Primary, Secondary, and Short Term. Submission of course enrollments is required for Primary, but is optional for Secondary and Short Term. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Student STUDENT INFORMATION In addition to Student Enrollment information, a student’s English Language Acquisition Status is key to identifying English Learners (ELs) on Census Day. CALPADS uses Effective Dates to manage this Student Information (SINF) data. The Student Information record must be effective on Census Day It is critical that you ensure that a student’s English Language Acquisition Status is up to date (casually cover the bullets). This will ensure that your English Learners data is correct for Fall 2. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Student ADD STUDENT INFORMATION English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Code Required for all Grade Levels ELAS Start Date Required unless status is “English Only” or “TBD” Student Proficient or Advanced Required if ELAS Code is Reclassified FEP (RFEP) English Language Acquisition status is collected in the student information record, if you are submitting in batch. If you are updating records online, it is important to ensure that all students’ English Language Acquisition Status is up to date (casually cover the bullets). This will ensure that your English Learners data is correct for Fall 2. The ELAS Student Information record must be effective on Census Day The ELAS Start Date on the effective Student Information record determines whether the student is EL on Census Day Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Student KEY POINTS No special submission of Student data for Fall 2 since Student Profile data is maintained in the ODS on an on-going basis and is submitted in Fall 1 Fall 2 does not require any additional submissions if data is maintained on an ongoing basis Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DATA SUBMISSION (ODS) Staff Data Now we are going to go over the staff data submissions. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission - Staff STAFF INCLUDED – SEID required Teachers Teachers (12) Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers (27) Charter School Non-certificated Teacher (26) Non-classroom Based Staff Administrators (10) Non-certificated Administrator (25) Pupil Services (11) Employed as of Census Day Employed within 30 days after Census Day for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day For Fall 2 Teachers, Administrators, and Pupil Services staff are submitted. Like the students, these staff are also supposed to represent Census Day, which means that they were employed on or before Census Day. But in the case of off-track courses, a staff member teaching or supporting a re-started track course may not have been employed on Census Day. For this reason, Fall 2 has established the Report Period, a 30 day window, that will be used to validate employment for these staff. Fall 2 Teachers include certificated as well as non-certificated staff with a SEID. These individuals have a Job Classification of Teacher (12), Charter School Non-certificated Teacher (26), or Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teacher (27). These classifications are expected to be assigned to classroom-based activities (i.e. their assignment will show on the course section record). Therefore, CALPADS reports about classroom-based teaching assignments will include staff in all of these Job Classifications. The staff with non-classroom assignments that are expected include Administrator and Pupil Services Job Classifications. Administrators expected are certificated as well as those few non-certificated Administrators with a SEID in a Job Classification of either Administrator (10) or Non-certificated Administrator (25). The Pupil Services Job Classification expected is just that -- Pupil Services (11). Classified staff will continue to be reported via the CBEDS-ORA system, not in CALPADS. NOTE: All staff employed during the Report Period are not expected. Neither are staff changes during the Report Period. Only staff employed on Census Day are expected, with the exception made for staff supporting a track that was not in session on Census Day. STAFF NOT INCLUDED Classified staff are reported in aggregate in CBEDS-ORA Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission - Staff DATA EXPECTED Two types of staff data are expected. Each type is submitted separately and may come from different local systems. Staff Demographics (SDEM) such as SEID, employment start and end dates, total years of service in the education field, and total years of service in the Reporting LEAs Staff Assignment (SASS) Job classification information for all teachers and non-classroom based staff Non-classroom staff assignment information for Job Classifications of Administrator, Pupil Services, & Non-certificated Administrator There are two types of staff data that you need to be ready to submit: Staff Demographics, which contains such information as employment start and end dates, total years of service in the education field, and total years of service in the Reporting LEAs. And Staff Assignments, which include the job classification and FTE for each classification. Staff Assignments also includes Non-Classroom based assignments: Non-classroom based Staff Assignment is required for all non-teach/non-classroom Job Classification (10-Administrator, 11-Pupil Services, and 25-Non-certificated Administrator) Job Class 12 (Teachers) may also have approved Non-Classroom Based Job Assignments and those are to be submitted as well. It is important to note that for your teachers, their classroom-based assignment data is collected via the course data NOTE: Classroom staff assignment data are submitted with course data Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff ORDER OF DATA SUBMISSION Staff Demographics establishes the Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID). It must be posted before Staff Assignment and Course. Staff Assignment must be posted before Course files 2 1 This is the submission order for your staff data. Staff Demographics first, Staff Assignments second, and Course Section data last. If you do not submit and post your data in this order you will get multiple fatal submission errors. 3 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS CALPADS maintains changes in staff demographics over time by Effective Dates Data is captured by Effective Start Date and Effective End Date -- much like Student Information data Each LEA submits a staff demo record for a specific staff person -- instead of one record for all LEAs as with Student Information data Each LEA uses the same Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) for the staff member’s demo record CALPADS records changes in staff demographics over time by the Effective Dates (casually cover each sub-bullet). There are no cross-edits of demographics for SEIDs among LEA submissions, so the name, gender and birthdate could all be different from different LEAs. Note slides 21-23 are hidden Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff ADD Demographics for NEW SEID SEID must match CTC data ADD/UPDATE Demographics for EXISTING SEID The following validation rules apply to Staff Demographic data submissions: When adding a Staff Demographic record for the first time in CALPADS, the SEID submitted must match CTC data. When you update Staff Demographics for staff that already have demographics data in CALPADS, the SEID submitted must match what is in CALPADS. Note that next year the first rule will only apply to staff new to the education field, meaning newly credentialed staff. SEID must match CALPADS data Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff ADD/UPDATE STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS - ONLINE Staff members reported for Fall 2 must have a Staff Demo record that is effective at some time during the Report Period (Census Day + 30 days) Record Effective Start Date must <= Report Period End Date Record Effective End Date (if exists) must be >= Census Day Staff demo record is submitted each year to keep the information current Effective Dates This slide and the next slide show the Online Maintenance interface for submitting Staff Demograpics (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff ADD/UPDATE STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS - ONLINE Ethnicity and Race validated same as in Student Information. No validation across LEAs. Employment dates on the effective record determine whether SEID was employed during Report Period (Census Day + 30 days) Employment Start Date can be before Record Effective Start Date Service years can change each year The Employment Start Date on the selected Staff Demographic record is used to determine if the staff member was employed during the Report Period. Employment Start Date can be before Effective Date of record – since demo record is submitted each year and start date will most likely not have changed from the previous year To determine which staff to report for Fall 2, CALPADS looks first to find the demo record effective during the Report Period. Then it looks at the Employment dates to determine if staff member was employed at some time during the Report Period A staff demographic record will need to be submitted for each staff member each year to capture Years of Service Effective Dates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff STAFF ASSIGNMENT CALPADS maintains Staff Assignments over time: one set of assignments by School for each Academic Year Batch Submission By default, CALPADS uses replacement processing for staff assignments Each submission removes all existing assignment data for the school for an Academic Year and replaces it with the new data for the school for the Academic Year Delete removes all existing assignment data for a school for the Academic Year Online Transactions Update/Delete modifies/deletes existing school data for a staff member for an Academic Year CALPADS records changes in staff assignments over time by Academic Year, not by Effective Dates It is also important to understand that Staff Assignments uses replacement processing because Staff Assignment data is a snapshot of a point in time. It is not maintained on an on-going basis. CALPADS will validate to make sure the gender and birth date do match the demo record. For batch and online submission this means (casually cover each sub-bullet). Batch submissions not additive, so for example 1st submission: 200 records are submitted, 185 passed and posted. 185 records to be counted for assignments 2nd submission: 15 records submitted, passed and posted. 15 records to be counted for assignments This also erases any edits made online. The next slide 25 is hidden. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff ADD/UPDATE STAFF ASSIGNMENTS - ONLINE Academic Year is used For District staff, enter CD code for School of Assignment Job Classification & FTE% required for all Staff -- Separate record for each Job Class Assignment Codes required for Job Class of Administrator (10), Pupil Services (11), & Non-certificated Administrator (25) Sum of FTE % for all schools in LEA for individual staff should not exceed 200% This slide shows the Online Maintenance interface for submitting Staff Assignments (casually cover each bullet). Assignment Code Mapping Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff STAFF ASSIGNMENTS - Input Validations Valid Code Combinations The Non Classroom based/support assignments that are valid for each Job Classification can be found in the Valid Code Combinations document on the CALPADS website. Demo Valid code combinations. Point out for job assignment 6017 that although 12/26/27 and 6017 are a valid combination that indicates they are not instructing students, only use the teacher (12/26/27) job classification if the staff member has other classroom assignments. Add a (phony) course-section record for the staff if they do not have a classroom assignment with the course 3020 to indicate a support assignment. Student course enrollment is not required for this scenario. *Valid code combinations can still generate certification errors. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DEMONSTRATION STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS & STAFF ASSIGNMENTS Data Submission – Staff DEMONSTRATION STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS & STAFF ASSIGNMENTS Add/Update Staff Demographics for SEID Without existing demographics With existing demographics for another LEA With existing demographics for user’s LEA We are now going to do a live demonstration of Online Maintenance for Staff Demographics and Staff Assignments. Add the demo details to notes Add/Update Staff Assignments for SEID View List of Existing Staff Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 27
Data Submission – Staff KEY POINTS A Staff Demographic record must exist in CALPADS for a SEID to submit the Staff Assignment record Each LEA has its own Staff Demographic record for a specific staff person Staff Demographic data are submitted each year to update information such as Years of Service Effective Date is used to determine which record will be used Most recent for the reporting period Here are the key points for staff that we just covered (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff KEY POINTS Staff Assignment data are submitted each year (for Fall 2 ONLY) to report Job Class, FTE, and assignments for non-teaching staff By School and Academic Year for Staff Assignments, fully replacing existing data for each Academic Year and School Staff data are updated in CALPADS As needed for Staff Demographics as staff enter and leave employment within the LEA Annually for Staff Assignment data for Fall 2 reporting* * Does not need to be updated throughout the year (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff KEY POINTS CALPADS determines which staff to report for the Fall 2 report period by Identifying the most recent demographic record that is effective during the Report Period Examining the employment dates on the identified effective demographic record for the Report Period Teachers in tracked schools are Census Day + 30 days Admin and Pupil Services staff employed on Census Day Staff Demographics and Assignments cannot be submitted for non-district employees (ROC/P teachers, contractors) (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Questions Staff Data Submission? Any Questions on staff data submission? Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DATA SUBMISSION (ODS) Course Data So now let’s go over the course data submission. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course COURSE SECTIONS INCLUDED Course sections occurring on Census Day AND For school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, course sections that begin no later than 30 calendar days after Census Day For Fall 2 you will be submitting (casually cover each bullet). Courses taken between tracks (intersession), after school and summer school are not reported. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course COURSE SECTION DATA EXPECTED Two types of information are required: Course Section Student Course Section So now let’s go over the course data submission. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course ORDER OF DATA SUBMISSION Complete Fall 1 Submit and post Staff Demographics Submit and post Staff Assignments Submit and post Course Section Submit and post Student Course Section 2 1 When submitting your course data, it must be submitted in following order (casually cover each bullet). 3 4 5 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course COURSE SECTION DATA INCLUDES These data provide information on the following: Course Offering - Content, NCLB instructional level, CTE Tech Prep, UC/CSU approval, etc. Course Delivery - Non-standard instructional level, education services, language of instruction, instructional strategy*, Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) competency, etc. Course Enrollment - Students enrolled in classes on Information Day Teacher Assigned - The unique Statewide Educator Identifier ID (SEID) of the teacher The course data will provide information in the following categories (casually cover each bullet). * English Learner Education Services data Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course COURSE SECTION DATA INCLUDES (cont.) These data provide information on the following: Number of Unique Classes - The total number of unique Class IDs Class Size - Number of students in a class allowing multiple course sections to be counted as one class for class size analysis Courses with Highly Qualified Teachers – Number of course sections being taught by highly qualified teachers per NCLB (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course DATA EXPECTED – All Schools Valid SEID in each Course Section record A “9999999999” can be used as a SEID on the course section record if certain teachers do not have a SEID* Charter School teacher teaching non-core class as defined by the Charter Teacher not employed by LEA, such as: ROC/P Teacher College Teacher Distance Learning Teacher COE Special Ed Teacher Private contractor New teacher - SEID not yet provided by CTC CALPADS requires a Statewide Educator ID, or SEID, to identify the teacher who is teaching the course. There are five exceptions that allow you to submit “9999999999” for staff teaching a course that do not have a SEID. They are: If the School Type is Charter School and the NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = N (non-core course). If the teacher is not an employee of your LEA, such as an ROC/P teacher, College teacher, Distance Learning teacher, COE Special Education teacher, or a private contractor. Note that for a distance learning/online class you can also submit the SEID of the certificated classroom monitor. If the SEID for a new teacher has not yet been assigned by CTC. * No Staff Demographic or Staff Assignment record is submitted for a course section with 9999999999 as SEID Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course COURSE SECTION CALPADS maintains changes in Course data over time: one set of courses by School by Academic Year and Term Batch Submission By default, CALPADS uses replacement processing for course sections Each submission removes course sections for the school for an Academic Year and Term and replaces it with the new data for the school for the Academic Year and Term Delete removes all existing course sections for a school for the Academic Year and Term Online Transactions Update/Delete modifies/deletes data for individual existing course data for an Academic Year and Term This slide show the rules for batch submission of the Course Section files (casually cover bullets). So for example, if there are 1500 records already in ODS for 3 Terms for School A in Academic Year 2010-2011, and one record for Term 1 is submitted for School A for 2010-2011, it will delete all of the records associated with the Academic Year, school, and Term – in this case Term 1 for School A in 2010-2011, and replace them with the one new record for School A Term 1 in Academic Year 2010-2011. Slides 39-41 are hidden. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course ADD COURSE SECTION - Online The combination of Course (CRS) Information & Course Section Information = a complete CALPADS Course Section record The “Course Details” page is divided into two sections to manage the relationships between a Course (CRS) and its Course Sections The top half is used to manage Course data The bottom half is used to maintain Course Section data associated with the course To add a new CALPADS Course Section record, both the Course and the Course Section Information must be entered This slide shows the interface for submitting course data in Online Maintenance (casually cover bullets). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course ADD COURSE SECTION - Online Course Section record must be unique represented by: Course (CRS) Info Academic Year ID School of Delivery Local Course ID (locally assigned) Course Section Info Academic Term Code Course Section ID SEID (unless Multiple Teachers) Submission Type = “Course Enrollment” for Fall 2 Course and Course Section info validations help ensure correct data relationships. Review Error List. Unique Unique Unique Unique STATE COURSE CODE: State Course Code and Grade Level (of school must be a valid combination) COURSE CONTENT CODE: If CTE Course Provider Code is populated, then Education Program Course Content code must equal 154 or a CTE State Course Code must be populated NCLB CORE COURSE INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL: State Course Code (W) 1) Usually meets UC/CSU requirement and 2) Likely to be NCLB Core Course; If State Course Code is indicated as likely to be core then NCLB Core Course may not equal N If HQT Competency Code is populated (next slide) then NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code must equal E (Elementary Core) or S (Secondary Core) UC CSU APPROVED INDICATOR: This assignment code will almost always meet UC and CSU requirements and UC CSU Approved Indicator equals N; This assignment code does not usually meet UC and CSU requirements and UC CSU Approved Indicator equals Y Unique HQT IVR Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course ADD COURSE SECTION - Online Course Section record must be unique represented by: Course (CRS) Info Academic Year ID School Local Course ID (locally assigned) Course Section Info Course Section ID Academic Term Code SEID (unless Multiple Teachers) English Learner (EL) Attributes Education Service Code – EL Service Language of Instruction –Required if Education Service Code = 1 or Instructional Strategy = 600 Instructional Strategy – Includes method used to deliver EL curriculum and instruction HQT Competency Code - NCLB Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Class EL Unique EL EL EL Attribute EL Attribute SEID: If SEID equal 9999999999, then School Type must be Charter School and NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = N OR CTE Course Section Provider Category = “1” (Regional Occupational Center or Program) OR Course Section Instructional Level Code = 16 (College) OR SEID not provided by CCTC SEID must be valid in CALPADS/CTC EL EL reports require Student, Staff and Course Section data Information for Student and Staff is extracted from the Course Section and Student Course Section records, based on Students being EL, and the EL Services attribute reported for each Course section In the past LEAs reported this by students and staff. Language of Instruction cannot = English or Sign Language; Required if EL Education Service = 1-Primary Language Instruction and ELD Instruction and/or SDAIE Instruction OR if Instructional Strategy = 600 Alternative EL Program - Bilingual (Various Models) Education Service Code indicates service for enrolled EL students Instructional Strategy 300-Home and Hospital 400-Alternative EL Program - Two-Way Immersion (Various Models) 500-Structured English Immersion and/or English Learner Mainstreaming 600-Alternative EL Program - Bilingual (Various Models) 650-English Learner Mainstreaming 700-Special Education MULTIPLE TEACHER: Indicate that Multiple Teacher field is important because the user will be required to submit multiple Course Section records with differing SEID numbers for these course sections (unless 9999999999) CTE COURSE PROVIDER: If Course Content Code equal 154 or a CTE State Course Code is populated, then CTE Course Provider Code must be populated HQT COMPETENCY CODE: If NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = E (Elementary Core) or S (Secondary Core), then HQT Competency Code must be populated EL Attribute EL IVR HQT IVR HQT HQT Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course STUDENT COURSE SECTION CALPADS maintains Student Course Sections over time: one set of student course sections by School by Academic Year and Term Batch Submission By default, CALPADS uses Replacement Processing for student course sections Each submission removes student course sections for the school for an Academic Year and Term and replaces it with the new data for the school for the Academic Year and Term Delete removes all existing student course sections for a school for the Academic Year and Term Online Transactions Update/Delete modifies/deletes data for individual existing student course section data for an Academic Year and Term This slide shows the batch submission rules for the Student Course Section data (casually cover the bullets). If a school has 1000 records in the ODS for an Academic Year, School, and Term, and a transaction is submitted for the Academic Year, School, and Term with a D, then the end result will be 0 records in the ODS for that School, Academic Year, and Term. If course section records are replaced, there is no immediate impact on student course section records. However, there could be orphaned Student Course Section records if the person submits fewer Course Sections than exist for the current Student Course Section records. This will be identified through a Certification Error. Slide 42 is hidden. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course ADD STUDENT COURSE SECTION - Online Course sections must have enrolled students, unless teacher’s Job Class is “Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-in Teacher” Meets UC/CSU Admission Requirement (Departmentalized courses, Grades 9-12) SSID: No SENR record exists for the School of Course Delivery and Academic Year submitted All fields except UC/CSU Admission Requirement are for EOY UC/CSU Admission Requirement - A coded value representing University of California or California State University College Admission Course Requirement that a high school course has been determined to meet. This determination is made by the UC/CSU systems. College Admission Requirement A History/Social Science College Admission Requirement B English College Admission Requirement C Mathematics College Admission Requirement D Laboratory Science EOY Fall 2 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
STUDENT COURSE SECTION Data Submission – Course DEMONSTRATION COURSE SECTION & STUDENT COURSE SECTION Add New Course Add Course Section(s) Add Student Course Section(s) Batch Submission Troubleshoot Submission Errors We are now going to do an online demonstration of submitting your course data. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 45
Data Submission – Course ADD COURSE SECTION - Input Validations Source: Error List (Examples) Source: Valid Code Combinations (Examples) Share out and point out valid code combinations for course This shows the CALPADS Input Validations error list and Valid Code Combinations. Cover the far right columns in the valid code combinations. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course KEY POINTS Course-section and student course-section use full replacement processing for batch submissions by Academic Year, School and Term Course-section data must be submitted and posted before student course-section data All teachers reported in course-sections with a valid SEID must have an existing demographic record Teachers reported with the “9999999999” SEID will not have a staff demographic or assignment record Teachers reported with the “9999999999” SEID cannot be reported as Highly Qualified Here are the key points for staff that we just covered (casually cover each bullet). Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Course Data Submission? Questions Course Data Submission? Any questions on Course data submission? Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DATA CERTIFICATION So let’s review the data certification process for Fall 2. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification FALL 2 SNAPSHOT DATA The Snapshot data represents Census Day (10/06/2010) Students enrolled on Census Day Classes occurring on Census Day or first occurring track after Census Day Staff providing services during the Report Period Admin and Pupil Services on Census Day Teachers (Census Day + 30 Calendar Days for tracked schools) Normally, the Certification Window Start Date would = Census Day Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
AGGREGATE CERTIFICATION REPORTS Data Certification AGGREGATE CERTIFICATION REPORTS English Learner Education Services – Student Count (2.4) Count of Teachers Providing EL Services (2.5) Class Size by Content Area (3.1) NCLB Core Course Section Compliance (3.4) Course Section Enrollment by Content Area (3.6) Staff Count and FTE by Job Classification (4.1) Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification – Student SUPPORTING REPORT English Learner - Count by Primary Language (2.6) Student Information ODS Download EXTRACTS Report 2.6 – requires only Student Information data Other EL reports require both SI and Course Section data. This information for both Student and Staff is extracted from the Course Section and Student Course Section files, based on Students being EL, and the EL Services attribute reported for each Course section. In the past LEAs reported this by student and staff. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification – Staff SUPPORTING REPORTS Staff – Count and FTE by Job Classification Disaggregated (4.2) Staff Profile – List (4.4) Staff - Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment – Detail (4.5) EXTRACTS Staff Demographics ODS Download Staff Assignment - ODS Download Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification – Course SUPPORTING REPORTS Class Enrollment – by Content Area (3.2) Class Enrollment – Student List (3.3) NCLB Core Course Section Compliance – Detail (3.5) Course Section Enrollment – Count and Details (3.7) Course Section Enrollment – Student List (3.8) Staff Teaching Assignments – Detail (4.3) English Learner Education Services-Student List (2.7) English Learner Instructional Plan - Count of ELs by Instructional Strategy (2.11) If you have questions about the data you see in the course certification reports, here the 8 supporting reports that will allow you to drill down to identify the problem. There are also two extract that you can request for you own local analysis. EXTRACTS Course Section Enrollment ODS Download Student Course Section Enrollment ODS Download Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
DEMONSTRATION Fall 2 Certification Data Submission – Staff DEMONSTRATION Fall 2 Certification View Certification Status Certification Errors Completing Certification Process We are now going to do a live demonstration of Online Maintenance for Staff Demographics and Staff Assignments. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 55
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT Certification Report 2.4 summarizes the services provided to English Learners. The data is derived from the student information (indicating which students are English Learners) and the course-section and student course-section (indicating the courses the students are enrolled in and the services provided in those courses). Student Information Course Section & Student Course Section Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT Certification report 2.5 counts the teachers providing those services to English Learners. Staff Demographics Course Section & Student Course Section & Student Information Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT 3.1 is the Average Class Size by content area (department). For a list of which courses are included in a specific content area, refer to the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations. Course Section (State Course Code & Class ID) Student Course Section Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT Now let’s review the course related certification reports. Any courses with the teacher reported with the “999” SEID will not be counted as Highly Qualified regardless of whether they were flagged as HQT. Course Section (NCLB Core Course Instructional Level & HQT Competency Code) Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT 3.6 reports total enrollment by content area. Student Information Course Section Note CTE filtering Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Staff CERTIFICATION REPORT Staff Assignments This is the staff report that you will be certifying for Fall 2. Note that in order for staff to appear on the report they must have both the Staff Demographics and Staff Assignment data. Just like the students in the Fall 1 reports, they will not be included in the totals if the records have fatal certification errors. Likewise, staff with fatal certification errors will not show up in the report until they are resolved. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification REPORTS Report Review Required Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification CERTIFICATION ERRORS Link to Error Listing Review Errors: CERT0075, 79, 63 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 63
Certification Errors - Student Error occurs when the student information (SINF) record has not been updated with the student’s grade level for the school year Solution Post student information for the current school year (SINF for batch processing) Effective Start Date needs to fall within 7/1/2010 -10/6/2010 for students to be counted Now we are going to go over the Fall 2 certification errors, with an emphasis on the fatal errors that must be fixed. We will start with the student data errors (casually cover fatal items). Most common causes are: Student information file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the student information file that were not corrected and resubmitted Students that are no longer enrolled, but have not been exited Concurrent enrollments preventing updates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors - Student Error occurs when the student does not have race/ethnicity data reported for an enrollment that falls within the reporting period, 8/16/09-10/6/10 Solution Post student information for the current school year (SINF for batch processing) Effective Start Date needs to align with student’s enrollment Verify the dates are aligned with LEA enrollment Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – English Learners Error occurs for English Learners for whom no Services are reported (Warning) Solution Verify English Learner services are reported for at least one course-section the student is enrolled Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when a staff assignment is reported for a SEID for which there is no staff demographic record reported Solution Post staff demographic record for the teacher Verify the staff hire date is on or before information day Most common causes are: Student information file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the student information file that were not corrected and resubmitted Students that are no longer enrolled, but have not been exited Concurrent enrollments preventing updates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when a course section is reported for a teacher (SEID) for which there is no staff demographic record reported Solution Post staff demographic record for the staff member (SEID) Verify the staff hire date is on or before information day Most common causes are: Student information file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the student information file that were not corrected and resubmitted Students that are no longer enrolled, but have not been exited Concurrent enrollments preventing updates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when staff demographic record is reported for a SEID which has no staff assignment record reported Solution Post staff assignment record for the SEID Verify the effective date is within the reporting period Most common causes are: Student information file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the student information file that were not corrected and resubmitted Students that are no longer enrolled, but have not been exited Concurrent enrollments preventing updates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when course section is reported for a SEID which has no teaching assignment reported (*does not apply to course section with SEID that is 9999999999) Solution Post staff assignment record with the appropriate teaching job classification (12, 26, or 27) for the SEID Verify the effective date is within the reporting period Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when only one course section is reported with a multiple teacher code Solution Post another course section record with the other teacher’s SEID and the same Class ID Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when a student course section is reported and the course section does not exist in the CALPADS Solution Verify that the student course section is correct (i.e. Local Course ID, Course Section ID, & Academic Term) Post the course section record Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when no course section is reported for a job classification of teacher (12/26/27) Solution Verify that the teacher has a teaching assignment Submit the course section for the teacher If no teaching assignment Submit a course-section record with the 3020 (Support/Consultation) course code Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Staff Demo Error occurs when the teacher’s staff employment start date or end date does fall within the reporting period, 10/6/10-11/5/10 or Record effective start date not between 7/1/10 and 11/5/10 Solution Verify that the employment dates are correct If yes, submit a service request to have the record deleted If no, submit the correct employment dates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Staff Demo Error occurs when the admin or support staff’s staff employment start date or end date does fall on census day or Record effective start date not between 7/1/10 and 10/6/10 Solution Verify that the employment dates are correct. If yes, submit a service request to have the record deleted If no, submit the correct employment dates Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when no student course section records are reported for a student whose enrollment status on Census Day is Primarily Enrollment (10)* Solution Verify the student’s enrollment status on Census Day If correct, submit the student course section records (SCSE) for the student If not correct, submit updated student enrollment records (SENR) *Error does not apply to Educational Options schools, Charter schools, and courses delivered at the district level Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Certification Errors – Staff Assign Error occurs when no staff assignment data was submitted for staff with staff demographics data Solution Verify that the staff demographics are correct If yes, submit staff assignment record(s) If no, submit a service request to have the record deleted Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
KNOWN ISSUES Fall 2 Issues KNOWN ISSUES Link to Error Listing Review Errors: CERT0075, 79, 63 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 78
Fall 2 Tips Staff Demographics and Assignments cannot be submitted for staff without SEIDs Staff Demographics and Assignments cannot be submitted for non-District employees (e.g. ROC/P teachers, contractors) Submit a trouble ticket to delete a staff demographic record Delete all related records first (assignments, course-sections) For classes with more than one instructional strategy, the recommended reporting hierarchy is: Special Ed Home/Hospital English Learners Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Certification KEY POINTS All aggregate reports must be reviewed and verified for accuracy* Supporting reports provide detail There are six aggregate reports and twelve supporting reports. Allow plenty of time for review by staff Remember batch submission rules when resolving errors related to staff assignment, course-section and student course-section data. * Best Practice is to print reports for review and verification, have staff sign and date that the information is accurate 1 - (IVR 121 - Missing Staff Demographic record) and (CERT049)] No Demographics for a Staff Assignment Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
REVIEW Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Review ORDER OF SUBMISSION Upload and post in the following recommended order: Student Profile Staff Demographics Staff Assignment Course Section Student Course Section Student Enrollment and Information required before Student Course Section Staff Demo required before Staff Assignment and Course Section Course Section required before Student Course Section 1 2 4 3 5 82 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 82
BATCH SUBMISSION PROCESSES Review BATCH SUBMISSION PROCESSES Understand the submission process rules to avoid issues: Student Profile Staff Demographics Staff Assignment Course Section Student Course Section Add, Update, Replace, or Delete: applies to each record Replace or Delete: applies to ALL records for each school 83 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 83
BEST PRACTICES FOR FALL 1 AND FALL 2 Review BEST PRACTICES FOR FALL 1 AND FALL 2 Maintain and verify student data for Fall 1 Ensure ELAS record for EL students is effective on Census Day and that the “EL” Status on that effective record is effective on Census Day Submit and verify staff data Ensure the Staff Demographic record is effective during the Report Period and that the employment dates on that effective record are also effective during the Report Period Submit and verify course data For batch, submit at least an entire term for each school submission When Snapshots begin for Fall 2, reconcile any student related errors that could impact Fall 1 enrollments Complete and certify Fall 1 Complete and certify Fall 2 84 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 84
WRAP-UP Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission Resources SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION The following are available to provide specifics on the CALPADS System and the procedures that guide your interaction with CALPADS ….. CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) CALPADS Code Sets CALPADS Valid Code Combinations CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures CALPADS Error List CALPADS User Manual with Glossary CBEDS Assignment/Course Code Mapping Now we will review some resources you will find helpful. Note – three documents that will be very helpful with Fall 2 are the Valid code combinations, the error list, and the CBEDS Assignment/Course code mapping Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission Resources SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION (cont.) CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions CALPADS Data Guide Section 3.5 on English Learners Section 3.6 on Highly Qualified Teachers Section 2.2 on Staff Data Section 2.3.2 on Class Size Here are some resources to assist you in preparing for CALPADS. [Casually cover each item]. Slide 83 is hidden because the documents have not been posted. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission Resources SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION The following are available to provide guidance on how to complete the certification process….. Fall 2 Certification Reports Data Mapping 88 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission Resources SEID INFORMATION The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) is responsible for assigning and maintaining SEIDs SEIDS can be obtained by contacting your County Credential Analyst accessing the CTC Credential Information Guide (CIG) at * For more information on SEIDs, see the CALPADS Data Guide The SEID is assigned and maintained by the CTC. To obtain the SEID for staff you should contact (casually cover each sub-bullet). As the note at the bottom states, the SEID lookup site is password protected, so you need to contact CTC if you need access. The CALPADS Data Guide also has good information on SEIDs. * Restricted to CIG users. Obtain the login information by contacting the Commission at Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Please Complete Our Survey Training Evaluation Questions Please Complete Our Survey We are now going to share out our training survey to get your feedback on how well this met your needs. We will be taking questions after the survey has been completed. Share out survey… (SHARE>WEB CONTENT> 90 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6 90
Data Submission – Course Staff Demographics Assignments Course Section Student Profile Course Section ID SEID SSID Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course CERTIFICATION REPORT – Business Rules Source: User Manual Glossary (Examples) NCLB Compliant Course Section - An NCLB compliant course section is a course section designated as an NCLB core course that is being taught by a highly qualified teacher. A course section is compliant if NCLB Core Course Indicator = E (Elementary Core) or S (Secondary Core) and HQT Competency Code not = N (Not Highly Qualified). English Learner Education Services - An English Learner Education Service is an education service provided to an English Learner that is delivered through a course section. A student is receiving an EL Education Service if the student has a Student Course Section record associated with (i.e. same Course Section ID as) a Course Section record where Education Service Code is not null. If a student is receiving multiple EL Services at a school, the student is counted in only one service If a student is receiving "Primary Language Instruction” (Code = 1) and any other EL Service, the student is counted as 1 If a student is receiving “ELD Instruction and SDAIE Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction” (Code = 4)” and one or both of 2 and 3 (and not 1), the student is counted as 4 If a student is receiving "ELD Instruction Only” (Code = 2) in a course section and "SDAIE Instruction Only” (Code = 3) in another course section without 1 or 4 in a course section, the student is counted as 4 If a student is receiving only one EL Service at a school, the student is counted in that service If a student is not receiving an EL Service at a school, the student is included in “No Service” count Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course KEY POINTS Course Section must be posted before Student Course Section A Course Section ID is an identifier for a Course Section assigned by a local educational agency. This is not a course section “number.” Generally it will be a combination of the local course name and course section number. This ID ties a specific student to a specific course section and it ties all of the information about that course section to the student. The Course Section ID must be unique by Academic Term, except when Multiple Teacher Code field is populated for a Course Section. 2 1 3 4 5 Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6
Data Submission – Course KEY POINTS A Class is defined as a specific instance of a course where one or more Course Sections are delivered to one or more students by one or more teachers. In most cases, a Class would represent a specific teacher teaching a specific Course Section to a set of students at a specific time at a specific location. In another scenario, a class could represent one teacher teaching multiple Course Sections to groups of students at the same time in the same location. For this scenario, the CALPADS Class ID identifies the Course Sections that are occurring together. A Class ID allows multiple course sections to be counted as one class for class size analysis and enrollment reporting. It is a unique identifier, assigned by the LEA or school submitting the data, that represents a unique class within the submission. It must be unique within a school for the Academic Year. Fall 2 Reporting & Certification v1.6