Cultural Diversity in Europe 6 th Grade Social Studies SS6G11 a, c
Causes of Cultural Diversity 1.Small, independent countries What kinds of problems do you think this could cause?What kinds of problems do you think this could cause?
All of Europe is not much bigger than the United States!!! Compare sizes
1100 AD
AD 1200
AD 1300
AD 1400
AD 1500
AD 1600
AD 1700
AD 1800
AD 1900
AD 2000
Causes of Cultural Diversity 1.Small, independent countries a)Trade: every country looks out for itself Tariffs, trade through different countriesTariffs, trade through different countries
Causes of Cultural Diversity 1.Small, independent countries b)Currency: many different types of money Ex: Mark, Ruble, Franc, Pound
Causes of Cultural Diversity 2.Many distinct, separate cultures This is because of different: a)Languages b)Customs c)Religions
Europe’s Many Languages There are at least 200 different languages in Europe! Imagine Europe’s size—it’s about 4 million square miles, or about ½ the size of the United States (9,629,881 sq. miles). How do you think speaking so many languages in such a small area affects Europeans?
In the United States English is the one dominant language. In Europe there are over two hundred native languages.
All of Europe is not much bigger than the United States!!! Compare sizes
Imagine driving from Winder to South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, or Tennessee, and having to speak a different language in each of those states. Would that be frustrating?
What are possible solutions to this problem?
English: A Standard Language
Common languages and bilingual, trilingual, etc… English, along with other common languages such as French or German, is used because it is necessary for communication. However, only the United Kingdom claims English as their home language. Other Europeans take pride in their own languages.
Green- Germanic languages Beige- Romance languages Orange- Slavic languages
Germany:Language The official language of Germany and Austria is German. - Germanic Language Follow the link to here a song sung in German!! net/learntospeakger man/hallowiegehts. htm
Germany: Literacy Rate The literacy rate in Germany is % Students in Germany must attend school through the 9 th grade. After that students either go to a trade school or keep attending public school until the 13th grade if they want to go to college. ( roughly 18 years old)
Oktoberfest “Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany, (Bavaria), running from late September to early October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture”- Definition from Wurstl- tradition Bavarian Sausage Children dressed in tradition Bavarian Dress Bavaria – the old name of Germany. The culture of Germany and the high Alps region is called Bavarian Culture. Yodeling is traditional form of music commonly found at Oktoberfest.
CountryLiteracy RateLanguageCustoms Germany %German (Germanic Language) Oktoberfest Bavarian Culture in the Mountains
Russia: Language Russian is a Slavic Language Between million speak Russian ( based on 2008 estimation) A Russian Proverb Руководитель без народа, что цветок без солнца Translation: A ruler without a nation is like a flower without the sun
RUSSIA: Literacy Rate Russia’s Literacy rate is % Russia has a free education system guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution and has a literacy rate of 99.4%.Entry to higher education is highly competitive. As a result of great emphasis on science and technology in education, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and space and aviation research is generally of a high order- from Follow link to here the Russian alphabet
RUSSIA: Customs and Traditions Ballet is a highly prized art form in Russia Moscow Ballet Theatre "The Crown Of Russian Ballet-Swan Lake“ m/watch?v=32HHxwFIp Hg m/watch?v=32HHxwFIp Hg
One tradition in Russia is to eat milk pudding and cheesecake on Christmas. RUSSIA: Customs and Traditions Milk Pudding Cheesecake
CountryLiteracy RateLanguageCustoms Germany %German (Germanic Language) Oktoberfest Bavarian Culture in the Mountains Russia99-100%Russian (Slavic Language) Ballet originated in Russia
France: Language - French is the official language of France -French is one of the Romance Languages Je t'aime (Lara Fabian) - cover by Gisella h?v=yAyQzJFFG90 h?v=yAyQzJFFG90
France: Literacy Rate The Literacy rate in France is 99% Children in France must go to school until they are 16 years old.
France: Customs and Traditions Bastille Day “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”- Liberty, Equlaity, Fratinity ( motto of the French Revolution & France) The Bastille is a medieval fortress and prison in Paris. Many people in France associated it with the harsh rule of the Bourbon monarchy in the late 1700s. On July 14, 1789, troops stormed the Bastille. This was a pivotal event at the beginning of the French Revolution. Fête de la Fédération was held on July 14, This was a way to celebrate the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France.
CountryLiteracy RateLanguageCustoms Germany %German (Germanic Language) Oktoberfest Bavarian Culture in the Mountains Russia99-100%Russian (Slavic Language) Ballet originated in Russia France99%French (Romantic Language) Bastille Day- July 14. Ended the Monarchy in France.
Italy: Language -Italian is the official language of Italy -Italian is one of the Romance languages. Follow the link to hear some phrases in Italian ages/italian/guide/phrases.s html How to say hello in Italian: Ciao an informal term for Hello. It can also be used for Goodbye.
Italy: Literacy Rate The literacy rate in Italy is 98% Children in Italy go to school from age 6-15.
Italy: Customs & Traditions Christmas & Easter are major holidays. Italy is the home to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope lives in Vatican City in Rome.
Italy: Traditions Opera A very popular form of performing arts that originated in Italy. Follow the link to see an Opera performance: ?v=RxKjDUrmecA&feature=relat ed Clip from Phantom of the Opera copyrighted 2004 by Odyssey Entertainment.
CountryLiteracy RateLanguageCustoms Italy 98%Italian (Romantic Language) Opera
United Kingdom
United Kingdom: Language English is the official Language of the United Kingdom. It is a Germanic Language. Other Languages commonly spoke in the UK are Gaelic (Irish), Celtic (Scottish), and Welsh (Wales)
United Kingdom: Literacy Rate The Literacy Rate is 99%. The UK is home to some very famous and old university's such as Oxford (England), Cambridge (England), & St. Andrews (Scotland).
United Kingdom: Traditions The United Kingdom has been steeped in traditions and customs for centuries. Some of the unique celebrations are the Highland Games (Scotland), Guy Fawkes Day (England), Boxing Day (England), and Cheese Rolling (England).
Highland Games Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland, such as the bagpipes, the kilt, and the heavy events, especially the caber toss. While centred on competitions in piping and drumming, dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.ScotlandCelticScottish Highlandsbagpipeskilt caber tossGaelic
United Kingdom: Customs In England afternoon tea is a custom that has carried on for centuries. Traditionally at four o’clock every afternoon, afternoon tea is served hot with small pastries or sandwich's.
CountryLiteracy RateLanguageCustoms Italy 98%Italian (Romantic Language) Opera United Kingdom 99%English (Germanic Language) Also Welsh, Celtic, & Gaelic in other parts. Afternoon Tea
The End La Fin- French Ende- German το τέλος (to télos)- Greek В конце (V kontse)- Russian alla fine- Italian
Italy Official Language: Italian Buongiorno! Grazie! Arrivederci! Ciao!
France Official Language: French Oui...Yes Non…No Merci…Thank You Bonjour…Hello Au revoir…Goodbye Excusez-moi…Excuse me
Russia Official Language: Russian Dobro požalovat‘…Welcome Kak dela…How are you? Dobroe utro…Good Morning Do svidanija…Goodbye
Major Religions in Europe Christianity Judaism Islam
Judaism (oldest religion) 15 million Followers (Jews) Basic beliefs: Monotheistic: Obey God's commandments, live ethically. Focus is more on this life than the next. Synagogue services on Saturdays. No pork or other non-kosher foods. Views Jesus as a false messiah. Founder: Abraham--patriarch of their faith (about 2000 BC) Holy book: Torah and Talmud House of Worship: Synagogue Holy Days: –Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year’s Day –Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
Christianity 2.1 Billion Followers (Christians) Basic beliefs: Monotheistic: Based on the teachings of Jesus, love of God and neighbor, a regard for justice, and belief that Jesus is the Son of God, prayer, Bible study, communion, church attendance Founder: Jesus Christ (Abraham patriarch of their faith(about 30 AD) Holy book: Bible House of Worship: Church Holy Days: –Christmas Birth of Christ –Easter Resurrection of Christ
Islam 1.3 Billion Followers (Muslims) Basic beliefs: Monotheistic: prayer, giving to charity, belief in and submission to Allah, fasting during Ramadan, a trip to Mecca once during your lifetime. Views Jesus as a Prophet. Founder: Muhammad Abraham--patriarch of their faith(about 1610 AD) Holy book: Koran House of Worship: Mosque Holy Days: –Eid ul Fitr Ends Ramadan (a month of fasting) –Eid ul Adha Marks the end of the holy pilgrimage
The Literacy rate and standard of living The ability to read and write Usually found in develop or industrialized countries Standard of living is high Increase wealth of countries allows them to provide better education, healthcare, access to technology DEVELOPING COUNTRIES or Third world countries: Not much industry; depend on farming for most of wealth
Fewer people read and write Education health care and jobs not easily available may be restricted to allow boys Lower paying jobs, countries are poor, people are uneducated Difficult to pay for education when little money for food Russia is different: high literacy rate; low GDP (total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year) Always required education: poverty declining and Russia’s economy is growing
Literacy rate and per capita GDP CountryLiteracy RateGDP per person United Kingdom99%35,100 France99%33,000 Russia99%14,700 Germany99%33,200 Italy98%30,400
Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper: 1.How are the languages of French and Italian similar? A.The two countries are close to each other. B.Both languages are Romance Languages. C.They share roots of Germanic languages.
2.Which major European language origin has the largest number of speakers? A. Germanic B. Romance C. Slavic
3. What have Europeans done to solve the problems presented by so many different languages? A. They do not trade with people who do not speak the same language. B. Made laws that proclaim English is the only official language of the EU. C. Require students in school to learn at least two languages.
4. Which language(s) come from the ancient Roman Empire? A. English and Dutch B. Russian and Polish C. Latin D. French, Italian, Spanish
Write the correct answer on your paper. 5. What is the oldest of the three main European religions? 6.Which religion is growing the fastest? 7.Name a way all three religions are similar. 8. Match the texts and the religions correctly: Religions= Judaism, Christianity, Islam Texts= Bible, Koran, Torah & Talmud