SPIRITUAL WING Dr Rakendu Suren National Spiritual Cordinator R1 Shakthi Shanmugathasan, R2 Suresh Sajnani, R3 To be confirmed, R4 Jeni Robson,R5 Dr Vijaya Nadella, R6 PierrettePoirot, R7 Mahendra Patel, R8 Dr Ram Konar
Facilitate practise of Swami’s teachings in all centres so that we remain connected with Swami thus aiding us in our individual transformation. Enhancing spiritual vibration in centres.
Sathya Sai Speaks Recordings Study circle in centres Post Bhajan Reading-52 Readings Sai literature
Bhajan workshops Saismaran Bhajans English devotional songs
Meditation Interfaith Programmes and Chanting days
Jai Sai Ram