Kinetic Molecular Theory Part #2
Rule #1 All matter is made up of particles (molecules) that are constantly moving. (Movement like vibration in solids, and flying around freely, like in a gas)
Rule #2 The molecules of matter move at different speeds depending on their state, their energy level, and their molecular attraction. – Solids – Low energy – High attraction ( high density) – Liquids – More energy than solids – Looser attraction (less density) – Gases – More energy than liquids – Bond/ attraction completely broken/ free. (low density)
Rule #3 The amount of thermal (heat) energy you apply to a state of matter affects the amount of kinetic (physical) energy the molecules have. – The more heat you put on particles, the more they move around. – The colder you make particles the more they slow down.
Rule #4 By adding to or taking away thermal energy (heat) from the different states of matter, you can change their state and the strength of their molecular attractions. – Example – Adding thermal energy to a solid makes it a liquid (melting). (looser attraction) – Example – Taking thermal energy away from a gas makes it a liquid. (condensation) (actually strengthens the attraction)
Rule #5 The temperature of the matter is actually a measure of the energy contained in the substance.
Volume and Shape
Solids Fixed Shape – Meaning it is in a shape that doesn’t change to what you put it in. Fixed Volume – Means you can measure it’s size.
Liquids Non-Fixed Shape – Takes the shape of whatever you put in. Fixed Volume – Can be measured
Gases Non-fixed shape – Can be compressed to fit wherever you want. Non-fixed volume – Can be compressed to create whatever amount you want.