Group Insurance Characteristics Provides insurance for a group Typically 10 or more employees Under master contract between the insurer and employer Yearly renewable form of coverage Renewed without evidence of insurability When use of this tool is indicated? When an employer to provide an employee benefit they will appreciate and even expect When insurance is difficult to obtain at standard rates When an employer wants to offer a cost effective means of providing up to $50,000 of coverage for shareholder-employees Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Advantages Helps satisfy employer’s moral obligation Contributes to employees morale and productivity Provides a before-tax benefit to employees that they otherwise would have to pay with after-tax dollars Is part of a benefit package that employees expect Cost less for the employee than an individual policy Provides insurance for those who otherwise might be uninsurable or unable to get insurance at standard rates Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Advantages Allows terminated employees to convert to individual policies without evidence of insurance(if conversion option is part of master contract) Allows base upon which an employee can build a personal financial program Employer premiums are income tax deductible Disadvantages Group term insurance is temporary in nature Table I costs increases significantly as the insured get older Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Disadvantages Subject to ERISA reporting requirements Must be provided for all eligible employees Increases cost for employers Employer’s out if pocket costs can increase if no new employees enter the plan Insured population get older on average Group plans cannot cover shareholders who are not employees Employers cannot pick who to insure, the amount of coverage or terms and conditions of coverage Plan must meet requirements of IRC section 79 Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Disadvantages Employees have no guarantee the group coverage will be continued When an employee is terminated, the coverage is lost. Although a conversion policy is available, it is usually quite expensive By formula and design, group coverage ceases at retirement or reduces significantly Employees may be lulled into complacency thinking the coverage is all they need Tax implications The employee must report and pay income tax on the economic benefit of coverage in excess of $50,000 Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Tax implications (cont'd) Computing the economic benefit Step 1 – Calculate the amount of total group coverage Step 2 – Subtract $50,000 Step 3 – Divide result by 1,000 Step 4 – Multiply result by Table I Rate to arrive at monthly taxable income Step 5 – Sum the 12 months of taxable income (taxable income for the year) Step 6 – Reduce taxable income by any employee contributions towards coverage Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Tax implications (cont'd) Under 10 lives Group Term Life Plans Coverage must be provided for all full time employees Amount of coverage must be computed: As a uniform percentage of compensation On the basis of coverage brackets as established by the employer No bracket may exceed 2 1/2 times the next lower bracket The lowest bracket must be at least 10% of the highest bracket A separate schedule of coverage may be established for those over age 65 Evidence of insurability, if required, is limited to a modified questionnaire Plan must not discriminate in favor of key employees Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Tax implications (cont'd) Eligibility Nondiscrimination Rules Plan benefits 70% or more of all employer’s employees At least 85% of the plan participants are not key employees Employer specified classification must be nondiscriminatory (as determined by the IRS) If the plan is found to be discriminatory the income tax exclusion for the first $50,000 is lost Definition of key employee An officer whose compensation exceeds certain limitations or Employee owing ½% interest and one of 10 largest interests or More than 5% owner or More than 1% owner and compensation greater ten $150,000 Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Tax implications (cont'd) Amounts reportable income are subject to FICA and FUTA Beneficiary receives proceeds income tax free Premiums are income tax deductible by the employer as an ordinary and necessary business expense Premiums for partners and or sole proprietors are not deductible Proceeds are includible in the insured’s estate if: They are payable to the estate The insured held any “incidents of ownership” in the policy Group term proceeds may be exempt of certain requirement are met Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Tax implications (cont'd) If the insured makes an absolute assignment of their rights a gift is made. Subsequent premiums made by the employer is also considered gifts Requirement (cont'd) ERISA Plan must be established and maintained in writing Plan must provide for one or more fiduciaries who administer the plan Plan document must provide a procedure for amending the plan Plan must provide a claims review procedure Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Group Insurance Requirements (cont'd) IRC Section 79 Requirements Plan must provide a death benefit that meets the definition of life insurance The plan’s benefits must be provided to a group of employees as compensation for services Policy carried directly or indirectly by the employer The amount of insurance for employees must be computed under a formula that precludes individual selection Chapter 10 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning