Investors of the stock market Charles Mitchell: banker during the stock market crash
Thursday, October 24, 1929 the stock market crashed and the day became known as “Black Thursday.” The systems for tracking the market prices could not keep up because people kept buying stocks at once.
I invested in the stock market hoping to get money back!
Today, March 25, 1929, there was a mini crash. My banker Charles Mitchell said he would keep loaning me money. I decided to keep investing in the stock market.
By spring of 1929 I lost my job because the economy was suffering, but I kept investing in the stock market anyways. I was hoping to get some money.
By summer of 1929 my stock went up. I knew the economy was going to turn around.
On September 3, 1929 the stock market reached it’s highest peak. Two days later it dropped again and I lost money.
Today Thursday, October 24, 1929 my share in the stock market dropped just like everyone else's did. My friends decided to keep selling their stocks, but I chose not to.
I was smart not to sell my shares because a group of bankers decided to put money in the stocks again. I kept investing and my friends stopped selling their shares.
People including me were shocked about what happened the following morning.
When Black Thursday hit about 12.9 million share were sold which was double the previous record. Four days later the stock market fell again.
I lost all my money and my banker was no longer able to loan me money.
My favorite part of learning about the stock market was about the investors and how they were effected.
Stock: a quantity of something accumulated, as for the future use. Investor: a person who buys into the stock market. Black Thursday: October 24, 1929 the day the stock market crashed. Economy: the management of the resources of a community. Stock market: market where stocks and bonds are traded.
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