Free Basic Electricity Compiled by: M Tshabalala
Table of Contents What is Free Basic Electricity Programme Stakeholder and obligations Funding framework Registration and access to Free Basic Electricity Hints and Tips Communication strategy Highlights & lowlights Challenges Way forward Conclusion
What is Free Basic Electricity (FBE) lt is a limited amount of FBE deemed necessary to provide basic services as determined and funded by the National Government The Free Basic Electricity programme aims; to contribute towards raising the standards of living to help poor households to have access to basic electricity Through this programme, government provides funding for 50kWh of electricity to poor households per month
Stakeholders and their obligations n National Government provides direction and funding. n Municipalities are accountable for the provision of free basic electricity and sets selection criteria within the parameters of the national FBE guideline & within their boundaries. n Eskom is a Service Provider for FBE in Eskom areas of supply.
Funding framework n The cost of the free allocation (FBE) is funded through the equitable share from National Government n Municipality funding criteria u lndigent policy u Blanket approach n Funding agreement u Service level agreement between the municipality and Eskom as the service provider in Eskom supplied areas n Billing u Monthly bills are submitted to munics u Invoices are expected to be paid within 30 days
Registration and Access to FBE n lndigent register u Council resolution u Policy u Registration n Access u Municipality & Eskom F Through the billing system for conventional customers F Credit tokens from vending points for prepaid customers
Hints and Tips n Token are collected monthly n Units are not tranfer from month to another n Units are collected at local vendor n Always check tariff code and supply group code
Communication Strategy n Municipality u Ward meetings u Community structures n Eskom u Pamplets u Vendor training u Customer forums u Awareness campaign
Highlits and Lowlights n Highlights u Sucessful roll out within the district u Payment level is very good u Good stakeholder relations n Lowlights u No roll out within Lesedi boundries u No indigent register in place u Token collection very low
Challenges n Data u Munic and Eskom system not aligned u Data standard not common n Customers u Relocation u Tampering u Illegal connections n Vending system u Technological challenge u Vending availability and security
Way forwad n Data u Standardise data templates u Municipality to verify illegibility of registered customers u Reduce tempering u Minimise illegal connections u Enforce By-Laws n Vending system u Vendor training u Roll out latest vending software u On-line system