Mind word-building. Negative forms. The voice is (forget). Her songs were praised unanimously. She was found dead in the hotel apartment. The cause of her death is (know). The marriage to Bobby Brown was long and ( happy). She looked (healthy) because she took drugs.
Listening “Whitney Houston” Be stunned On the eve of the Grammy award A soul and gospel singer Be found dead Sign a contract Raise money Children with cancer Break all records Stay number one in charts Be known for taking drugs Voice wasn’t good as it used to be Look unhealthy Be able to sing high notes
Answer the questions Whose death has been stunned by? What happened on the 11th of February, 2012? Which of her relatives sang well? What did Clive Davis, her producer, make sign a contract with Whitney? What was the aim of the Whitney Houston Foundation for Children founded in 1989? What film did she star in? Was her 14-year marriage happy? Why didn’t she sing the high notes in last period of her life?
What did they do yesterday? 1 clean the apartment/ clean the house 2 wash the dishes 3 do the laundry 4 iron 5 feed the baby 6 feed the cat 7 walk the dog 8 study 9 go to work 10 go to school 11 drive to work 12 take the bus to school 13 work 14 leave work 15 go to the store 16 come home/get home
Use the correct verb? …… while ….. 1 clean the apartment/ clean the house 2 wash the dishes 3 do the laundry 4 iron 5 feed the baby 6 feed the cat 7 walk the dog \take the dog for a walk 8 study 9 go to work 10 go to school 11 drive to work 12 take the bus to school 13 work 14 leave work 15 go to the store 16 come home/get home
Use the correct Verb: ……. while ……..
Use the correct verb: ……. Before …….